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Create Avatar (Modlos Tab Menu) anchor.png

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Explanation anchor.png

  • You can create a OpenSim Avatar in that page.
  • If Cooperation with Sloodle in setting page is checked, at default, avatar information is inserted Sloodle users DB, too.
  • If you are ordinary user (student) and number of your avatars is over Max Number of Avatars at setting page, this tab is not displayed.
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Fields anchor.png

  • UUID: If you are Administrator (or Teacher), UUID field is displayed. UUID is automatic generated, but it is also possible to change manually. This is for maintenance or troubleshooting.
  • First Name: First Name of Avatar.
  • Last Name: Last Name of Avatar. If Last Name Activation checkbox at setting page is checked, you can select only what the administrator has prepared.
  • Password: Avatar's login password for OpenSim.
  • Confirm Pass: Confirmation of password.
  • Home Region: Avatar's Home Region.
  • Disclaimer: If you are ordinary user (student) and Disclaimer Activation checkbox at setting page is checked, Disclaimer field is displayed. And you cannot create avatar without agreeing to the this disclaimer.
  • SLOODLE: If you are Administrator (or Teacher) and Cooperation with Sloodle in setting page is checked, SLOODLE field is displayed. You can select synchro or not synchro with sloodle users DB. This function is for creation of two avatars or more. If you are ordinary user, SLOODLE field is not displayed. And synchronization with Sloodle users DB is executed automatically.
  • Owner Name: If you are Administrator (or Teacher), Owner Name field is displayed. You can freely specify the owner of avatar. If you are ordinary user, created avatar and your Moodle user name are connected to avatar name automatically.

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