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2: 2015-03-21 (土) 13:38:12 iseki ソース 3: 2015-03-22 (日) 12:40:58 iseki ソース
Line 30: Line 30:
**** Binary [#y50f2888] **** Binary [#y50f2888]
- [[opensim-0.8.1-nat-0.91.zip>http://www.​nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/OpenSim​/opensim-0.8.1-nat-0.91.zip]] (2015 3/19) - [[opensim-0.8.1-nat-0.91.zip>http://www.​nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/OpenSim​/opensim-0.8.1-nat-0.91.zip]] (2015 3/19)
 +-- source code is at http://opensimulator.org/dist
-- Includes Settings for JOG. And some [[NSL modules>../NSL Modules]] are included. But you may be not used these modules. -- Includes Settings for JOG. And some [[NSL modules>../NSL Modules]] are included. But you may be not used these modules.
#br #br
Line 72: Line 73:
- As we can not apply the patch to Robust (Login) server in OSG, ''you can not log in directly to your own Region'' in the same NAT. - As we can not apply the patch to Robust (Login) server in OSG, ''you can not log in directly to your own Region'' in the same NAT.
- ''You can not directory TP or move into your own Region'' in the same NAT from other Regions that are not applied the Patch. - ''You can not directory TP or move into your own Region'' in the same NAT from other Regions that are not applied the Patch.
-- Since ''JOG Gate'' (9999,9886) has been patched,please TP to your region via the ''JOG Gate''+- Since ''JOG Gate'' (9999,9886) has been patched,please TP to your region via the ''JOG Gate'' Region
#br #br

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