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49: 2011-08-29 (月) 13:11:00 admin ソース 50: 2011-09-03 (土) 15:36:43 iseki ソース
Line 21: Line 21:
- This can be operated by OpenSim 0.6.7-0.6.9, 0.7.0.x, 0.7.1.x and 0.7.2Dev - This can be operated by OpenSim 0.6.7-0.6.9, 0.7.0.x, 0.7.1.x and 0.7.2Dev
- Web Monitor function (ASP.NET) is removed from original DTL Currency. - Web Monitor function (ASP.NET) is removed from original DTL Currency.
 +- This is not support that sell/buy the group shared object.
- ''Please use this at Your Own Risk!!'' - ''Please use this at Your Own Risk!!''
- &font(#0000ff){[[OpenSim Binary with Money Server Patch>#e4deb0ba]] by ''Adam Farrugia'' is available. }; - &font(#0000ff){[[OpenSim Binary with Money Server Patch>#e4deb0ba]] by ''Adam Farrugia'' is available. };
- &font(#0000ff){About this project, ''Milo'' do a lot of advice and donation to us. ''Thank you very much!!''}; - &font(#0000ff){About this project, ''Milo'' do a lot of advice and donation to us. ''Thank you very much!!''};
 +- &font(#ff2222){[[latest ''Aurora-Sim (0.4.3Dev)'' is supported.>./Aurora-Sim]] (new, 3 Setp. 2011)};
#br #br
*** Change Log[#z6c98d59] *** Change Log[#z6c98d59]
 +**** 0.7.2 for OpenSim 0.7.2 Dev (Working now) [#v4b07a6e]
 +- 0.7.2_Dev
 +-- no patch
 +-- correct send_money script bug.
 +-- add BalanceMessageScvLandSale message
 +-- merge with Aurora-Sim
**** v0.7.1 for OpenSim 0.7.1.x [#rdb89803] **** v0.7.1 for OpenSim 0.7.1.x [#rdb89803]
- 0.7.1 R2 - 0.7.1 R2
Line 37: Line 48:
-- Minimum patch for source code (in the future, the patch disappears). -- Minimum patch for source code (in the future, the patch disappears).
-**** v0.7 for OpenSim 0.7/ [#lf039967] + 
-- 0.7_3 -> 0.7_4 +- [[more ...>./ChangeLog]]
--- Support of Banker Avatar +
--- The sales bug of the original object is corrected. +
-- 0.7_2 -> 0.7_3 +
--- Enable self money transfer. +
-- 0.7_1 -> 0.7_2 +
--- Add new mode that is to work llGiveMoney() function normally even if payer doesn't login to Opensim, +
-- 0.7 -> 0.7_1 (Bug Fix) +
--- llGiveMoney() is work now. But llGiveMoney() works only when the payer is logging in. +
--- PID File is created now (by skidz)+
#br #br
Line 55: Line 57:
*** Download of DTL/NSL Money Server[#u2d15064] *** Download of DTL/NSL Money Server[#u2d15064]
 +**** for OpenSim [#x2bf1cc1]
- for 0.7.1 / - for 0.7.1 /
-- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=8&lid=24 -- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=8&lid=24
-- for 0.7 / / 
--- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=8&lid=15 
-- for 0.6.9 
--- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=8&lid=14 
-- for 0.6.8 
--- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=8&lid=12 
-- for 0.6.7 
--- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=8&lid=7 
- for latest dev version (for 0.7.2Dev) - for latest dev version (for 0.7.2Dev)
- svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/op​ensim.currency/trunk opensim.currency+-- svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/op​ensim.currency/trunk opensim.currency 
 +- [[more old version...>./old_version]] 
 +**** for Aurora-Sim [#cd3c0906] 
 +- for latest Aurora-Sim (for 0.4.3Dev) This is beta version 
 +-- svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/op​ensim.currency/branches/aurora aurora.currency
#br #br
Line 77: Line 79:
*** Compile and Install [#uc427419] *** Compile and Install [#uc427419]
 +**** OpenSim [#vaa8ebdd]
- for release version - for release version
 cd (PREFIX)/opensim-X.Y.Z-source  (or opensim-X.Y.Z-release)  cd (PREFIX)/opensim-X.Y.Z-source  (or opensim-X.Y.Z-release)
Line 96: Line 99:
 vi MoneyServer.ini      (modify [MySql] section)  vi MoneyServer.ini      (modify [MySql] section)
-*** Setting of MoneyServer.ini [#y846e1a1]+**** [[Aurora-Sim]] [#tab1b7e6] 
 +- for latest dev version (0.4.3Dev) 
 + cd (PREFIX)/aurora 
 + svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/opensim/op​ensim.currency/branches/aurora aurora.currency 
 + patch -p1 < aurora.currency/aurora_currency_latest.p​atch 
 + ./runprebuild.sh && xbuild 
 + cd aurora.currency 
 + ./build.sh 
 + cd ../bin 
 + vi MoneyServer.ini       (modify [MySql] section)
-**** [Startup] [#oe72f58c] +*** Settings [#v70b9150
-- ''PIDFile'' : Specify PID file +**** [[MoneyServer.ini>./MoneyServer.ini]] (OpenSim/Aurora-Sim) [#y846e1a1] 
- +- [[Setting of MoneyServer.ini>./MoneyServer.ini]] 
-**** [MySql] [#q34d26f9] +#br
-- ''hostname'' : MySQL server's FQDN or IP address +
-- ''database'' : DB name of MySQL +
-- ''username'' : user name of MySQL +
-- ''password'' : password of MySQL user +
-- ''pooling''  : MySQL pooling? +
-- ''port'' : MySQL communication port +
-- ''MaxConnection'' : Max connection number to DB. +
- +
-**** [MoneyServer] [#kb5749c2] +
-- ''DefaultBalance'' : Initial money that new avatar has. +
- +
-- ''BankerAvatar'' : UUID of Banker Avatar. Banker Avatar can buy money from system with no cost. If 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is specified, all Avatars are Banker Avatar. +
- +
-- ''enableForceTransfer'' : If this is true, llGiveMoney() function works normally even if payer doesn't login to Opensim. default is false +
- +
-- ''enableScriptSendMoney'' :  If this is true, send_money() script can send money to any avatars. default is false. +
-- ''MoneyScriptAccessKey'' : Secret key of Helper Script. Specify same key in include/config.php or WI(XoopenSim/Modlos) +
-- ''MoneyScriptIPaddress'' : IP address of server that Helper Script execute at. Not use +
- +
-- Messages that displayed in blue dialog, when balance is updated. +
--- If "" is specified, blue dialog is not displayed. +
--- You can use {0} and {1} in message string. +
--- {0} means the amount and {1} means avatar name or object owner name +
--- ''BalanceMessageLandSale'' : for buy the land +
--- ''BalanceMessageSendGift'' : for send gift to other avatar +
--- ''BalanceMessageReceiveGift'' : for receieve gift from other avatar +
--- ''BalanceMessagePayCharge'' : for upload and group creation charge +
--- ''BalanceMessageBuyObject'' : for buy the object +
--- ''BalanceMessageGetMoney'' : for get the money from object by llGiveMoney() +
--- ''BalanceMessageBuyMoney'' : for buy the money from system +
--- ''BalanceMessageReceiveMoney'' : for receive the money from system by send_money() script +
--- ''BalanceMessageRollBack'' : when roll back ocuurred+
 +**** Setting of Region Server (OpenSim.ini) for OpenSim [#d9a146c0]
 +- [[OpenSim.ini>./OpenSim.ini]]
#br #br
-*** Manual Setup of Helper Script [#yd4f306d] +**** Setting of Region Server (Economy.ini) for Aurora-Sim [#g2fdee33
- +- [[Configuration/Modules/Economy.ini&gt;./Economy.ini]]
-- If you do not use [[XoopenSim>XoopenSim (E)]] or [[Modlos>Modlos (E)]] (Web Interface), you should setup helper scripts by manual. +
-- If you use [[XoopenSim>XoopenSim (E)]] or [[Modlos>Modlos (E)]], this function is setup by automatically. +
-- You need ''Web Server (ex. Apache) and PHP5 (include PHP5-XMLRPC, PHP5-CURL)'' +
-- Please copy Scripts/* to any Web contents directory, and edit ENV_HELPER_URL, ENV_HELPER_PATH and DB information  in include/config.php +
- +
-- command ex.: +
-&nbsp;mkdir (Document Root of WEB)/currency +
- cp -R Scripts/* (Document Root of Web)/currency +
- cd (Document Root of Web)/currency +
- chown -R apache.apache . +
- vi include/config.php +
- +
-- include/cpnfig.php: +
- // URL of Helper Script +
- if (!defined('ENV_HELPER_URL'))  define('ENV_HELPER_URL',  '')​; +
- // Path of Helper Script +
- if (!defined('ENV_HELPER_PATH')) define('ENV_HELPER_PATH', '/home/apache/htdocs/currency/helper/');​ +
- +
- define('OPENSIM_DB_HOST',    'localhost');                  // FQDN or IP addess of MySQL DB server +
- define('OPENSIM_DB_NAME',    'opensim_db');                // DB name of MySSQL +
- define('OPENSIM_DB_USER',    'opensim_user');              // User ID of DB +
- define('OPENSIM_DB_PASS',    'opensim_pass');              // Password of DB +
- +
- define('CURRENCY_SCRIPT_KEY', '123456789');                  // Secret key of Helper Script +
- define('USER_SERVER_URI',    ''); // URL of User Server. Not use localhost or +
- +
-- Please execute viewer with "-helperuri [ENV_HELPER_URL/]" option. (ex. -loginuri http://localhost/currency/helper/ )  [''need last '/' ''] +
-- Here, ENV_HELPER_URL is ''helper'' directory url  that is set in include/config.php. +
-- If you use 3rd party viewer (ex. Hippo, Meerkat or Imprudence etc.), you should use ''Grid Manager'' instead of "-helperuri" option. +
#br #br
-*** Setting of Region Server (OpenSim.ini) [#d9a146c0] +**** [[Helper Scripts&gt;./Helper Script]]  (OpenSim/Aurora-Sim) [#yd4f306d] 
-- OpenSim.ini +- If you use functions that ''Buy Money from System'', ''Buy Land'' and ''send_money'', you should set up Helper Scripts. 
- [Economy] +- If you use XoopenSim or Modlos, you may not do setting Helper Script. Because XoopenSim/Modlos sets up it by automatically
-&nbsp;   SellEnabled = "true" +- [[Setup Manual of Helper Scripts is here&gt;./Helper Script]]
-   UserServer = "http://(UserServer's FQDN or IP address):8002/"        ;; not use localhost or +
-   CurrencyServer = "https://(MoneyServer's FQDN or IP address):8008/"  ;; not use localhost or +
-   EconomyModule  = DTLMoneyModule +
- +
-   ;; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc +
-   PriceUpload = 30 +
-   ;; Money Unit fee to create groups +
-   PriceGroupCreate = 200 +
- +
-- if you use 0.7.2Dev over, you should use ''DTLNSLMoneyModule'' as EconomyModule instead of DTLMoneyModule +
- [Economy] +
-   ................ +
-&nbsp;   EconomyModule  = DTLNSLMoneyModule +
-   ................ +
#br #br
-** send_money() function at Helper Script [#p51201fb] +*** send_money() function in Helper Scripts [#p51201fb] 
-- You can send money to any avatars by ''send_money()'' function in Helper Script. +- [[send_money() PHP function&gt;./send_money]]
-- To use this function, you should set same script key at ''include/config.php (CURRENCY_SCRIPT_KEY)'' and ''MoneyServer.ini (MoneyScriptAccessKey)''. +
-- If you use WI(XoopenSim/Modlos). Script key is ''Money Script Access key''. +
-- Everyone that can execute send_money script can send money to any avatars, so please set access control for this script neatly. +
- +
-- Sample Script +
-&nbsp;<?php +
- require_once('include/env_interface​.php'); +
- require_once('helper/helpers.php'); +
- +
- send_money("f68be2b2-8229-4b7b-a21a-3f253441cd2d", 100); +
- ?>+
#br #br
*** Support of StandAlone mode [#nf42a9ad] *** Support of StandAlone mode [#nf42a9ad]
-- [[for v0.7.1>./standalone_0.7.1]] +- OpenSim 
-- [[for v0.7>./standalone_0.7]]+-- [[for v0.7.1>./standalone_0.7.1]] 
 +-- [[for v0.7>./standalone_0.7]]
#br #br
*** Bugs [#x4fae068] *** Bugs [#x4fae068]
 +**** OpenSim [#ibab8dc3]
- 0.7.1 R2 - 0.7.1 R2
- 0.7.1 R1 - 0.7.1 R1
Line 221: Line 149:
- 0.7 R3 - 0.7 R3
-- When object is set to ''sale original'', no money is transferred. (collected at v0.7 R4) -- When object is set to ''sale original'', no money is transferred. (collected at v0.7 R4)
 +**** Aurora-Sim [#a45a5c29]
#br #br

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