5: 2009-05-28 (Thu) 14:18:49 iseki source 6: 2009-06-28 (Sun) 15:38:22 admin source
Line 2: Line 2:
** サーバ共通 [#w9a1bfde] ** サーバ共通 [#w9a1bfde]
**** quit, shutdown [#x3f7c3d5] **** quit, shutdown [#x3f7c3d5]
~ ~
** User Server [#k059e0fa] ** User Server [#k059e0fa]
-*** ユーザの作成 [#e003280f]+*** [[User Server コマンド一覧>./User Server]] [#kf87912e] 
 +*** ユーザ作成コマンド [#e003280f]
 OpenUser# : create user  OpenUser# : create user
 First name: Fumi  First name: Fumi
Line 13: Line 14:
 Start Region X: 1000  Start Region X: 1000
 Start Region Y: 1000  Start Region Y: 1000
 +** Grid Server [#i3feaa57]
 +** Asset Server [#o5903bcb]
 +** Inventory Server [#ba1f65be]
 +** Messaging Server [#n026bbef]
 +** Money Server [#m51c6895]
~ ~
~ ~
** Region(Sim) Server[#qb9f1f07] ** Region(Sim) Server[#qb9f1f07]
-*** Terrain [#kea3635e]+*** [[Region Server コマンド一覧>./Region Server]] [#l01f06b2] 
 +*** Terrain コマンド[#kea3635e] 
**** terrain load ファイル名 [#eb8d9183] **** terrain load ファイル名 [#eb8d9183]
- ファイルの識別子でフォーマットを識別する. - ファイルの識別子でフォーマットを識別する.
Line 32: Line 49:
- SIMを一定の高さ(m) にする.実数を指定可能だが,小数点以下は切り上げになる模様. - SIMを一定の高さ(m) にする.実数を指定可能だが,小数点以下は切り上げになる模様.
 terrain fill 20.5    SIM全体を 21mの高さのフラットな地面にする  terrain fill 20.5    SIM全体を 21mの高さのフラットな地面にする
-**** コマンド一覧 [#ofd8cfa6] 
-alert <first> <last> <message> - Send an alert to a user 
-alert general <message> - Send an alert to everyone 
-backup - Persist objects to the database now 
-bypass permissions <true / false> - Bypass permission checks 
-change region <region name> - Change current console region 
-clear assets - Clear the asset cache 
-command-script <script> - Run a command script from file 
-config get <section> <field> - Read a config option 
-config save - Save current configuration 
-config set <section> <field> <value> - Set a config option 
-create region - Create a new region 
-debug packet <level> - Turn on packet debugging 
-debug permissions <true / false> - Enable permissions debugging 
-debug scene <cripting> <collisions> <physics> - Turn on scene debugging 
-delete-region <name> - Delete a region from disk 
-edit scale <name> <x> <y> <z> - Change the scale of a named prim 
-export - Execute subcommand for plugin 'export' 
-export-map [<path>]: - Save an image of the world map 
-force permissions <true / false> - Force permissions on or off 
-force update - Force the update of all objects on clients 
-help [<command>]: - Get general command list or more detailed help on a specific command 
-help export - Get help on plugin command 'export' 
-help terrain - Get help on plugin command 'terrain' 
-kick user <first> <last> [message]: - Kick a user off the simulator 
-link-mapping [<x> <y>]: <cr> - Set local coordinate to map HG regions to 
-link-region <Xloc> <Yloc> <HostName>:<HttpPort>[:<RemoteRegionName​>]: <cr> - Link a hypergrid region 
-load iar <first> <last> <inventory path> [<archive path>]: - Load user inventory archive.  EXPERIMENTAL, PLEASE DO NOT USE YET 
-load oar <oar name> - Load a region's data from OAR archive 
-load xml [-newIDs [<x> <y> <z>]:] - Load a region's data from XML format 
-load xml2 - Load a region's data from XML2 format 
-login disable - Disable logins to the simulator 
-login enable - Enable logins to the simulator 
-login status - Display status of logins 
-modules list - List modules 
-modules load <name> - Load a module 
-modules unload <name> - Unload a module 
-predecode-j2k [<num threads>]:> - Precache assets,decode j2k layerdata 
-quit - Quit the application 
-remove-region <name> - Remove a region from this simulator 
-restart - Restart all sims in this instance 
-save iar <first> <last> <inventory path> [<archive path>]: - Save user inventory archive.  EXPERIMENTAL, PLEASE DO NOT USE YET 
-save oar <oar name> - Save a region's data to an OAR archive 
-save prims xml2 [<prim name> <file name>]: - Save named prim to XML2 
-save xml - Save a region's data in XML format 
-save xml2 - Save a region's data in XML2 format 
-set log level <level> - Set the console logging level 
-show assets - Show asset data 
-show info - Show general information 
-show modules - Show module data 
-show queues - Show queue data 
-show ratings - Show rating data 
-show regions - Show region data 
-show stats - Show statistics 
-show threads - Show thread status 
-show uptime - Show server uptime 
-show users [full]: - Show user data 
-show version - Show server version 
-shutdown - Quit the application 
-sun - Usage: sun [param]: [value] - Get or Update Sun module paramater 
-terrain - Execute subcommand for plugin 'terrain' 
-tree active <boolean> - Change activity state for trees module 
-tree plant - Start populating trees 
-unlink-region <local name> or <HostName>:<HttpPort> <cr> - Unlink a hypergrid region 

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