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5: 2011-12-29 (木) 23:24:45 iseki ソース 6: 2011-12-30 (金) 12:57:32 iseki ソース
Line 123: Line 123:
- Network only: Animation data is sent only to Animation Relay Server. - Network only: Animation data is sent only to Animation Relay Server.
**** Fast Transfer Mode [#k875fd78] **** Fast Transfer Mode [#k875fd78]
-- Usually, the UDP data for one frame of an avatar is a header(64Byte) + elements number of joint data(8) x double(8Byte) x joints number(11) = 768Byte+- Usually, the UDP data for one frame of an avatar is a header(64Byte) + elements number of joint data(8) x double(8Bytes) x joints number(11) = 768Bytes
-- If this is checked, a data type will turn into a float(4Byte), and will serve as 416Byte in all. In this size, packet fragmentation is never caused.+- If this is checked, a data type will turn into a float(4Bytes), and will serve as 416Bytes in all. In this size, fragmentation is never caused on the network.
- You can change this, also in during transmission of data. - You can change this, also in during transmission of data.
**** Received Port [#bbceb756] **** Received Port [#bbceb756]
- Port number of UDP which receives data from an Animation Relay Server. - Port number of UDP which receives data from an Animation Relay Server.

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