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7: 2012-09-18 (火) 12:58:49 iseki ソース 8: 2012-09-21 (金) 19:03:52 iseki ソース
Line 31: Line 31:
**** Second Life Viewer [#v8527518] **** Second Life Viewer [#v8527518]
- [[Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2:http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/I​mprudence:Downloads]] - [[Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2:http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/I​mprudence:Downloads]]
--- When you execute Imprudence-1.3.2, if you see 'side-by-side' error,  please install VC8 runtime [[vcredist_x86.exe:http://www.nsl.tuis.a​c.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/SL/Rinions/viewer​_bin/vcredist_x86.exe]]+-- When you execute Imprudence-1.3.2, if you see ''side-by-side'' error,  please install VC8 runtime [[vcredist_x86.exe:http://www.nsl.tuis.a​c.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/SL/Rinions/viewer​_bin/vcredist_x86.exe]]
- or [[Firestorm Viewer 4.0.1 to 4.2.2:http://www.phoenixviewer.com/downl​oads.php]] - or [[Firestorm Viewer 4.0.1 to 4.2.2:http://www.phoenixviewer.com/downl​oads.php]]
- or [[Singularity Viewer 1.6.0_3 to 1.7.2:http://www.singularityviewer.org/d​ownloads]] - or [[Singularity Viewer 1.6.0_3 to 1.7.2:http://www.singularityviewer.org/d​ownloads]]
Line 40: Line 40:
*** Installation [#h9fd6d15] *** Installation [#h9fd6d15]
**** Install Second Life Viewer that you want to use. [#fda80a5f] **** Install Second Life Viewer that you want to use. [#fda80a5f]
-- Install [[Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2:http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/I​mprudence:Downloads]] or [[Firestorm Viewer 4.0.1 to 4.2.2:http://www.phoenixviewer.com/downl​oads.php]] or [[Singularity Viewer 1.6.0_3 to 1.7.2:http://www.singularityviewer.org/d​ownloads]]+- Install [[Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2:http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/I​mprudence:Downloads]] or [[Firestorm Viewer 4.2.2:http://www.phoenixviewer.com/downl​oads.php]] or [[Singularity Viewer 1.7.2:http://www.singularityviewer.org/d​ownloads]]
- When you execute Imprudence-1.3.2, if you see '''side-by-side' error'',  please install VC8 runtime [[vcredist_x86.exe:http://www.nsl.tuis.a​c.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/SL/Rinions/viewer​_bin/vcredist_x86.exe]] - When you execute Imprudence-1.3.2, if you see '''side-by-side' error'',  please install VC8 runtime [[vcredist_x86.exe:http://www.nsl.tuis.a​c.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/SL/Rinions/viewer​_bin/vcredist_x86.exe]]
-- Please see  [[Latest information of to supported Viewers (20 Sept. 2012)>../Supported Viewers]]+- About other Viewers, please see  [[Latest information of to supported Viewers>../Supported Viewers]]
#br #br
Line 61: Line 61:
*** Setup and Easy Execution of Rinions [#aad8b84b] *** Setup and Easy Execution of Rinions [#aad8b84b]
-- ''Attention:'' Under execution of Rinions, do not connect or disconnect Kinect/Xtion. In that case, Rinions will be crashed. 
+ Upload this animation data ([[PSI_Pose.bvh (click right mouse button for download):http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/Down​Load/SoftWare/SL/Rinions/viewer_src/PSI_​Pose.bvh]]) to Second Life/OpenSim using Viewer. Do not Forget to check ''Loop'' option. + Upload this animation data ([[PSI_Pose.bvh (click right mouse button for download):http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/Down​Load/SoftWare/SL/Rinions/viewer_src/PSI_​Pose.bvh]]) to Second Life/OpenSim using Viewer. Do not Forget to check ''Loop'' option.
+ Execute Rinions. + Execute Rinions.

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