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3: 2011-12-27 (火) 15:37:41 iseki ソース 現: 2012-03-30 (金) 11:27:43 iseki ソース
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 +[[日本語はここ>/SLKinect2 (J)/Getting Started]]
** Getting Started of SLKinect2 [#k57b0bd3] ** Getting Started of SLKinect2 [#k57b0bd3]
-- [[日本語はここ>/SLKinect2 (J)/Getting Started]]+- ''Next Version of SLKinect2 was released --> Please see [[Rinions]]''
#br #br
*** Needed Resources [#s5a86065] *** Needed Resources [#s5a86065]
- MS Kinect - MS Kinect
-- [[OpenNI:http://www.openni.org/]], [[NITE:http://www.openni.org/]], [[avin2:https://github.com/avin2/SensorK​inect/tree/master]] (driver for Kinect) +- MS DirectX (Runtime DLL) 
-- [[Binary of SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/vc++/SLKinect/branches/2.0/SLKinect-2.0]] (need SLKinect.exe, Imprudence-bin.exe and OpenNI_PSI.bvh) +- [[OpenNI:http://www.openni.org/]], [[NITE:http://www.openni.org/]], [[avin2:https://github.com/avin2/SensorK​inect/tree/master]] (driver for Kinect)  (Please use 32bit version) 
-- [[Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2:http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/I​mprudence:Downloads]]+-- http://zigfu.com/devtools.html is very useful site for installing OpenNI, NITE and avin2. (Thanks kinect_me
 +- [[Binary of SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&cid=7&lid=32]]  (Installer and Recompiled Viewers with SLKinect patch are included) 
 +-- ''Imprudence-1.3.2'', ''Firestorm-3.2.1/3.2.2'' are available now. 
 +-- Probably, those recompiled Viewers will not suit the Third Party Viewer Policy of Linden Lab. Please use this at Your Own Risk in Second Life!! 
 +-- When you execute ''Imprudence-1.3.2'', if you see ''side-by-side'' error, please install VC8 runtime [[vcredist_x86.exe:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/SL/SLKi​nect2/vcredist_x86.exe]] 
 +- [[Imprudence 1.3.2:http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/I​mprudence:Downloads]] or [[Firestorm 3.2.1/3.2.2:http://www.phoenixviewer.com​/downloads.php]]
#br #br
*** Install [#m90e8d66] *** Install [#m90e8d66]
+ Install OpenNI, NITE and av2 driver. We recommend to install 32bit version. + Install OpenNI, NITE and av2 driver. We recommend to install 32bit version.
--- Please execute OpenNI demo program for TEST.+-- ''Please execute OpenNI demo program for TEST.''
-- Demo Programs are in ''C:\[OpenNI Install Folder]\Samples\Bin\Release'' -- Demo Programs are in ''C:\[OpenNI Install Folder]\Samples\Bin\Release''
-+ Copy ''SLKinect.exe'' to any folder. ++ Exec ''Installer\SLKinect2_Setup.msi'' or copy ''SLKinect2\SLKinect2.exe'' to any folder. 
-+ Install Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2. ++ Install ''Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2'' or ''Firestorm Viewer 3.2.1 or 3.2.2''
-+ Copy ''Imprudence-bin.exe'' to folder of Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2 installed++ Copy ''Recompiled Viewer (*-bin.exe)'' to folder of Viewer installed (it is in ''viewer_bin'' folder). 
-+ Upload ''OpenNI_PSI.bvh'' to Second Life or OpenSim with ''checked Loop'' and high Priority as possible. (need L$10)+-- ''For firestorm'', please make short cut of Recompiled Viewer and add ''--channel "Firestorm-Release"'' option to linked Program. If you do not add this option, you will look ''Bad Request'' login page
 ++ Upload ''OpenNI_PSI.bvh'' (it is in ''viewer_src'' folder) to Second Life or OpenSim with ''checked Loop''. (need L$10)
#br #br
*** Execution [#x34b5028] *** Execution [#x34b5028]
+ Connect Kinect to PC + Connect Kinect to PC
-+ Execute ''Imprudence-bin.exe'', and login to Second Life/OpenSim.++ Execute ''Recompiled Viewer'' (or that's short cut), and login to Second Life/OpenSim.
-- Execute uploaded Animation (PSI pose) -- Execute uploaded Animation (PSI pose)
-+ Execute SLKinect.exe ++ Execute ''SLKinect2.exe'', and select ''Animation'' from ''Setting'' Menu of SLKinect
-+ Select ''Animation'' from ''Setting'' Menu of SLKinect+
-- Copy executed Animation's UUID from Viewer, and paste to ''Animation UUID'' input field of Dialog. -- Copy executed Animation's UUID from Viewer, and paste to ''Animation UUID'' input field of Dialog.
#br #br
Line 32: Line 38:
+ Select ''Local'' from ''Mode'' Menu + Select ''Local'' from ''Mode'' Menu
-- ''Local Mode'' string is appeared at Status Bar. -- ''Local Mode'' string is appeared at Status Bar.
--- If all is ok, the avatar should have done T pose at this time. 
+ Click ''Sensor'' Window from ''Window'' Menu and select size of window. + Click ''Sensor'' Window from ''Window'' Menu and select size of window.
-- The program is faster as window size is smaller. -- The program is faster as window size is smaller.
-+ Click Yellow Play button of ''Sensor'' Window++ Click ''Yellow Play Button'' of ''Sensor'' Window
+ Do PSI Pose of Kinect!! + Do PSI Pose of Kinect!!
#br #br
Line 45: Line 50:
-- If you use our test server (''silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp:8200''), you do not need to change any settings about Animation Relay Server. -- If you use our test server (''silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp:8200''), you do not need to change any settings about Animation Relay Server.
-- If groundless especially, ''Received Port'' number is keep default 8200. -- If groundless especially, ''Received Port'' number is keep default 8200.
--- Change ''Group key'' from ''NSL_TEST'' to ''NSL_[SIM Name]'' within 16Byte+-- Change ''Group key'' from ''NSL_TEST'' to ''NSL_[SIM Name]'' within 16Bytes
--- If your network is in NAPT(NAT), please check '' Use NAPT(NAT)'' check box and input your ''Router Global IP'' and ''Opened Port''. And you must setup your router that Opened Port forwards ''UDP'' packets to SLKinect's Received Port.+-- If your network is in NAT(correctly NAPT) , You must setup your router that port number of router (same number as SLKinect's Received Port) forwards ''UDP'' packets to SLKinect's Received Port. Default of SLKinect's Received Port number is 8200.
-- If Network is delayed, check ''Fast Transfer Mode'' check box (SLKinect transfers float data instead of double data). -- If Network is delayed, check ''Fast Transfer Mode'' check box (SLKinect transfers float data instead of double data).
+ Select ''Login'' from ''File'' Menu. + Select ''Login'' from ''File'' Menu.

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