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5: 2011-12-29 (木) 23:24:45 iseki ソース 現: 2012-01-03 (火) 10:28:24 iseki ソース
Line 4: Line 4:
*** File Menu [#m3c9cdf0] *** File Menu [#m3c9cdf0]
**** Login [#l8932875] **** Login [#l8932875]
- Login to Animation Relay Server. Server setting is at "Setting of Network". - Login to Animation Relay Server. Server setting is at "Setting of Network".
- When Local Mode is selected, this item is unable. - When Local Mode is selected, this item is unable.
 +- When Kinect is detecting user, this item is unable.
- When Login is success, Animation data receiving is started by automatically. - When Login is success, Animation data receiving is started by automatically.
**** Logout [#ta3aaa49] **** Logout [#ta3aaa49]
- Logout from Animation Relay Server. If animation data is being received,  it is stopped. - Logout from Animation Relay Server. If animation data is being received,  it is stopped.
 +- If you are detecting user on Sensor Window, it is stopped.
- If user does not login, this item is unable. - If user does not login, this item is unable.
Line 20: Line 22:
**** %%Load Data%%  [#wa0dae15] **** %%Load Data%%  [#wa0dae15]
-- Not implemented yet+- Not implemented yet. This function will be supported by v2.1.0.
**** %%Save Data%% [#ta28d4b8] **** %%Save Data%% [#ta28d4b8]
-- Not implemented yet+- Not implemented yet. This function will be supported by v2.1.0.
**** Exit [#g9672d8f] **** Exit [#g9672d8f]
Line 84: Line 86:
*** Setting of Animation Dialog [#x8e7383d] *** Setting of Animation Dialog [#x8e7383d]
**** Animation UUID [#r6dc794f] **** Animation UUID [#r6dc794f]
- UUID (correctly GUID) of the animation replaced with the animation data from the Kinect is specified. - UUID (correctly GUID) of the animation replaced with the animation data from the Kinect is specified.
Line 99: Line 102:
*** Setting of Log Window Dialog [#m11bf759] *** Setting of Log Window Dialog [#m11bf759]
**** Position [#a01e22b1] **** Position [#a01e22b1]
- Display position data (XYZ) from Kinect. - Display position data (XYZ) from Kinect.
Line 111: Line 115:
**** Received Data from Network [#n805e0c7] **** Received Data from Network [#n805e0c7]
-- Display relative Quaternion data from an Animation Relay Server.+- Display received Animatin UUID, Number of joints and Unit Data Size (double[8] or float[4]) 
 +**** Network Check [#je622a03] 
 +- The information for debugging for network functions is displayed. So, receiving Rate in every 5s (packets/s), delay time of own data, received Animation Num. and Connection Key are  displayed.
*** Setting of Data Save Dialog [#x7e58104] *** Setting of Data Save Dialog [#x7e58104]
&ref(DIALOG_DATA_E.jpg); &ref(DIALOG_DATA_E.jpg);
-- Not implemented yet+- Not implemented yet. This function will be supported by v2.1.0.
*** Setting of Network Dialog [#x9904c0e] *** Setting of Network Dialog [#x9904c0e]
**** Output of Data [#i3397729] **** Output of Data [#i3397729]
- Network and Local: Animation Data is wrote to shared memory and sent to Animation Relay Server. - Network and Local: Animation Data is wrote to shared memory and sent to Animation Relay Server.
- Network only: Animation data is sent only to Animation Relay Server. - Network only: Animation data is sent only to Animation Relay Server.
**** Fast Transfer Mode [#k875fd78] **** Fast Transfer Mode [#k875fd78]
-- Usually, the UDP data for one frame of an avatar is a header(64Byte) + elements number of joint data(8) x double(8Byte) x joints number(11) = 768Byte+- Usually, the UDP data for one frame of an avatar is a header(64Byte) + elements number of joint data(8) x double(8Bytes) x joints number(11) = 768Bytes
-- If this is checked, a data type will turn into a float(4Byte), and will serve as 416Byte in all. In this size, packet fragmentation is never caused.+- If this is checked, a data type will turn into a float(4Bytes), and will serve as 416Bytes in all. In this size, fragmentation is never caused on the network.
- You can change this, also in during transmission of data. - You can change this, also in during transmission of data.
**** Received Port [#bbceb756] **** Received Port [#bbceb756]
- Port number of UDP which receives data from an Animation Relay Server. - Port number of UDP which receives data from an Animation Relay Server.
- Usually, 8200 is used in the default . - Usually, 8200 is used in the default .
 +- If your PC is in NAT (correctly NAPT), you must to set up a router, and UDP data must be forwarded from Port of Router (same number as Received Port) to Received Port of PC which executing SLKinect2. (default is from Router:8200 to PC:8200)
- You cannot change this item during login. - You cannot change this item during login.
**** Animation Relay Server [#v1b7ba57] **** Animation Relay Server [#v1b7ba57]
- IP address or FQDN of an Animation Relay Server is specified. - IP address or FQDN of an Animation Relay Server is specified.
Line 149: Line 159:
- You cannot change this item during login. - You cannot change this item during login.
- Group Key Prefix of ''silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp'' is ''NSL_'' - Group Key Prefix of ''silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp'' is ''NSL_''
-**** Use NAPT (NAT) [#obfb4cd2] 
-- If your PC is in NAPT(NAT), please check this. 
-- If it is checked, SLKinect2 send "Router Global IP" and "Opened Port" to an Animation Relay Server instead of won IP and "Received Port". 
-- You cannot change this item during login. 
-**** Router Global IP [#w845c0c3] 
-- IP address currently assigned in order that a router may access the Internet is specified. 
-- It confirms on the setting screen of a router. 
-- You cannot change this item during login. 
-**** Opened Port [#c1325c86] 
-- Router's port number opened to an Animation Relay Server is specified. 
-- You set up a router and UDP data must be forwarded from router's Opened Port to Received Port of PC which SLKinect2. 
-- You cannot change this item during login. 
#br #br

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