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5: 2011-12-26 (月) 22:21:54 iseki ソース 現: 2015-04-06 (月) 11:51:05 iseki ソース
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-** SLKinect v2 Beta Version [#wee91adc] +[[日本語はここ>SLKinect2 (J)]
-- [[日本語はここ>SLKinect2 (J)]]+#br 
 +** Kinect 2 SecondLife Viewer Project [#r5137915] 
 +**** Latest version of this software is ''[[Rinions]]''. Please see ''[[Rinions]]''. [#x9144001]
-- [[SLKinect v1 is here>SLKinect1]]+ 
 +- Version 1 -> [[SLKinect>SLKinect1]] 
 +- Version 2 -> [[SLKinect2]] 
 +- Version 3 -> [[Rinions]] 
 +- Rinions is the newest version. Please see [[Rinions]]
#br #br
-**** Under Constructing. Coming soon!!  within this year [#n10b3eac]+** SLKinect2 (Version 2) [#b50253b9] 
 +- We will not support [[version 1.x of SLKiect>SLKinect1]] exclude a serious Bug. Please use this SLKinect2.~ 
 +- SLKinect2 will be renamed to ''[[Rinions]]'' ~
#br #br
*** SLKinect2 [#n575b089] *** SLKinect2 [#n575b089]
-- ''Latest Version is 2.0.0 beta'' +- ''Latest Version is 2.0.2 (Release Version)''. 
-- This is the second version of SLKinect. +-- ''Bug Fix'': 
-- SLKinect2 sends animation data from Kinect to SecondLife/OpenSim Viewer in real time using shared memory and over the ''Network''. +--- When Yellow Play Button is clicked, SLKinect2 v2.0.0 crashes with ''OpenNI-'' and ''NITE-''. (2.0.1)  Please see http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3forum/index.php?topic_id=74 
-- SLKinect2 supports 21 nodes on network. (If you need more nodes, you have to recompile SLKinect2)+--- When you are general user, all setting dialogs crash. (2.0.2) 
 +- This is the second version of [[SLKinect>SLKinect1]]
 +- SLKinect2 sends animation data from Kinect to Second Life/OpenSim Viewer in real time using shared memory and over the ''Network''. 
 +- SLKinect2 supports 21 nodes on network. (If you need more nodes, you have to recompile SLKinect2 and Viewer) 
 +- SLKinect2 supports ''Imprudence'' Viewer and ''Firestorm'' Viewer now. 
 +-- There is very little change of source code. Therefore, if recompile is possible, it will work at other Viewers.
- We are searching nothing about network delay yet. - We are searching nothing about network delay yet.
-- Not support Save/Load of data yet.+- Not support Save/Load of data yet. Those functions will be supported by v2.1.0. 
#br #br
-*** Animation Relay Server [#yec959bb] +*** [[Animation Relay Server>anm_server]] ([[anm_server]])[#yec959bb] 
-- ''Latest Version is 0.9 beta''+- ''Latest Version is 1.1.0 (Release Version)'' 
 +- Animation Relay Server ([[anm_server]]) relays UDP packet from one SLKinect to all SLKinects of same group.
- We do not well know about server performance yet. - We do not well know about server performance yet.
-- We are running Animation Relay Server on ''silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp:8200'' for Test. +- %%We are running Animation Relay Server on ''silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp:8200'' for Test.%% 
--- This is for Test. We support nothing.+-- %%This is for Test. We support nothing. %% 
#br #br
-*** Development Source and Binary Code (Beta) [#n2859a84]+*** Download of Release Version [#ccb505e8] 
 +**** SLKinect2 v2.0.2 [#of0ec9b4] 
 +- support of OpenNI-, NITE- and SensorKinect091- (but all are 32bit) 
 +- Binary:  http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=7&lid=32 
 +- Source: http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=7&lid=31 
 +**** Animation Relay Server (anm_server v1.0.0) [#lb702f32] 
 +- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftW​are/SL/SLKinect2/anm_server-1.0.0.tar.gz​ 
 +*** Development Source Code [#n2859a84]
- Those repository of subversion are for development. ''No Question Please.'' - Those repository of subversion are for development. ''No Question Please.''
-**** SLKinect2 (Beta) [#afdf3bb7]+**** SLKinect2 (nightly update) [#afdf3bb7]
- [[JunkBox_Lib++:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.j​p/svn/vc++/JunkBox_Lib++/trunk]] - [[JunkBox_Lib++:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.j​p/svn/vc++/JunkBox_Lib++/trunk]]
- [[JunkBox_Win_Lib:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac​.jp/svn/vc++/JunkBox_Win_Lib/trunk]] - [[JunkBox_Win_Lib:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac​.jp/svn/vc++/JunkBox_Win_Lib/trunk]]
-- [[SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/sv​n/vc++/SLKinect/branches/2.0]] +- [[SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/sv​n/vc++/SLKinect/trunk]] 
-- [[Binary of SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/​vc++/SLKinect/branches/2.0/SLKinect-2.0]​] include Patched Viewer+#br
-**** Animation Relay Server (Beta) [#m2916734]+**** Animation Relay Server [#m2916734]
- [[JunkBox_Lib:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/​svn/linux/JunkBox_Lib/trunk]] - [[JunkBox_Lib:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/​svn/linux/JunkBox_Lib/trunk]]
- [[anm_server:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/s​vn/linux/anm_server/trunk]] - [[anm_server:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/s​vn/linux/anm_server/trunk]]
#br #br
 +*** [[Getting Started>./Getting Started]] [#d8bc49bd]
 +- [[Getting Started of SLKinect2>./Getting Started]]
 +- [[Getting Started of anm_server>anm_server/Getting Started]]
 +- [[Configuration of anm_server>anm_server/Configuration]]
#br #br
-** Getting Started [#ub15c93a] + 
-*** Needed Resources [#s5a86065] +*** [[Manual>./Manual]] [#qc23c653
-- MS Kinect +- [[Manual of SLKinect2>./Manual]] 
-- OpenNI, NITE, avi2 diriver +//- [[Manual of anm_server>anm_server/Manual]]
-- [[Binary of SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/vc++/SLKinect/branches/2.0/SLKinect-2.0]] (SLKinect.exe, Imprudence-bin.exe, OpenNI_PSI.bvh) +
-- Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2+
#br #br
-*** Install [#m90e8d66+*** [[Trouble Shooting>./Trouble Shooting]] [#qd2a5da0
-+ Install OpenNI, NITE and av2 driver. Please execute OpenNI demo program for TEST. +- [[Trouble Shooting of SLKinect2>./Trouble Shooting]] 
-+ Copy ''SLKinect.exe'' to any folder. +//- [[Trouble Shooting of anm_server>anm_server/Trouble Shooting]]
-+ Install Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2. +
-+ Copy ''Imprudence-bin.exe'' to folder of Imprudence Viewer 1.3.2 installed+
-+ Upload ''OpenNI_PSI.bvh'' to SL/OS with infinite loop and high priority (need L$10)+
#br #br
-*** Execution [#x34b5028+*** Sample Videos [#t5185677
-+ Connect Kinect to PC +- Over the Network: http://youtu.be/KhqbGAWqvLI 
-+ Execute ''Imprudence-bin.exe'', and login to SL/OS. +- Local (SLKinect v1): http://youtu.be/tl2gLw-GJws
--- Execute uploaded Animation (PSI pose) +
-+ Execute SLKinect.exe +
-+ Select ''Animation'' from ''Setting'' Menu of SLKinect +
--- Copy executed Animation's UUID from Viewer and paste to ''Animation UUID'' input box.+
#br #br
-*** with Local Mode [#sd7f9b85] +*** [[Mechanism>./Mechanism]] [#r830999e
-+ Select ''Local'' from ''Mode'' Menu +- [[Mechanism of SLKinect2>./Mechanism]] 
--- ''Local Mode'' string is appeared at Status Bar+- [[Mechanism of anm_server>/anm_server/Mechanism]]
-+ Open ''Sensor'' Window from ''Window'' Menu +
-+ Click Yellow Play button of ''Sensor'' Window +
-+ Do PSI Pose of Kinect!!+
#br #br
-*** with Network Mode [#tb0c34cf] +*** Acknowledgments. [#v05983c0
-+ Select ''Network'' from ''Mode'' Menu +- Thanks for Kinect Hackers
--- ''Network Mode'' string is appeared at Status Bar. +- Thanks for Imprudence Viewer development Team
-+ Open ''Setting of Network'' Dialog from ''Setting'' Menu +- Thanks for Firestorm Viewer development Team
--- If you use our test server, you do not need to change any settings about Animation Relay Server+- Thanks for students of NSL
--- Change ''Group key'' from ''NSL_TEST'' to ''NSL_[SIM Name]'' within 16Byte+- And Thaks for your bug reports. :-) 
--- If your network is in NAPT(NAT), please check '' Use NAPT(NAT)'' check box and input your ''Router Global IP'' and ''Opened Port''. And you must setup your router that opened port forwards SLKInect port. +#br
--- If Network is delayed, check ''Fast Transfer Mode'' check box (SLKinect transfers float data instead of double data). +
-+ Select ''Login'' from ''File'' Menu+
--- If login is succeed, ''Login | Receiving Data'' string is appeared at Status Bar. +
--- Our server is for ''TEST'' and that is in Japan and network speed is not so fast. There may be network delay. We want to your report about network delay. +
--- If error is occurred, +
---- execute anm_server on Linux by yourself +
---- or wait about half a day and try again +
---- or post to [[SLKinect's forum:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/mo​dules/d3forum/index.php?forum_id=14]] and wait a answer (need [[register to this site:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/reg​ister.php]]) +
-+ Open ''Sensor'' Window from ''Window'' Menu +
-+ Click Yellow Play button of ''Sensor'' Window +
-+ Do PSI Pose of Kinect!! +
-+ Call to your friends that have a kinect :-). +
--- And tell friends about Group Key (''NSL_[SIM Name]'').+
-#br +*** Next Step (v2.1) -> [[Rinions]] [#s0e3d5ec]
-** Manual of SLKinect2 [#wd64c02b]+**** Next Version Name is [[Rinions]] [#e733cc48] 
 +- %%Over the NAT (using UDP Hole Punching)%% 
 +- %%Speed Up (-30FPS)%% 
 +- %%Quarity Up (Use Position data instead of Rotation Matrix)%% 
 +- %%Data Save/Load%% 
 +-- %%OpenNI,%% %%Original%%, BVH will be supported next next version  &worried; 
 +- %%QoS of Server%% 
 +- %%64bit application%% 
 +- %%no calibration%% 
 +- %%delete Local Mode%% 
 +- %%for Xtion (no camera)%% 
 +- %%Delay Load of OpenNI.dll/OpenNI64.dll%% 
 +- %%Control of LED and Tilt Motor%% 
 +- %%Keep Alive Packet%% 
 +- %%Correction of Kinect's Data%% 
 +-- %%Moving Average%% 
 +- %%Dual Library (OpenNI, Kinect SDK)%%
#br #br

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