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Latest version of this software is Rinions. Please see Rinions. anchor.png
  • Version 1 -> SLKinect
  • Version 2 -> SLKinect2
  • Version 3 -> Rinions
  • Rinions is the newest version. Please see Rinions
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SLKinect2 (Version 2) anchor.png

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SLKinect2 anchor.png

  • This is the second version of SLKinect.
  • SLKinect2 sends animation data from Kinect to Second Life/OpenSim Viewer in real time using shared memory and over the Network.
  • SLKinect2 supports 21 nodes on network. (If you need more nodes, you have to recompile SLKinect2 and Viewer)
  • SLKinect2 supports Imprudence Viewer and Firestorm Viewer now.
    • There is very little change of source code. Therefore, if recompile is possible, it will work at other Viewers.
  • We are searching nothing about network delay yet.
  • Not support Save/Load of data yet. Those functions will be supported by v2.1.0.

SLKINECT2_2_E.jpg, SIZE:1444x625(195.9KB)

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Animation Relay Server (anm_server) anchor.png

  • Latest Version is 1.1.0 (Release Version)
  • Animation Relay Server (anm_server) relays UDP packet from one SLKinect to all SLKinects of same group.
  • We do not well know about server performance yet.
  • We are running Animation Relay Server on silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp:8200 for Test.
    • This is for Test. We support nothing.

SLKinect2.jpg, SIZE:780x540(44.9KB)

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Download of Release Version anchor.png

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SLKinect2 v2.0.2 anchor.png
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Development Source Code anchor.png

  • Those repository of subversion are for development. No Question Please.
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SLKinect2 (nightly update) anchor.png
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Animation Relay Server anchor.png
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Sample Videos anchor.png

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Acknowledgments. anchor.png

  • Thanks for Kinect Hackers.
  • Thanks for Imprudence Viewer development Team.
  • Thanks for Firestorm Viewer development Team.
  • Thanks for students of NSL.
  • And Thaks for your bug reports. :-)
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Next Step (v2.1) -> Rinions anchor.png

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Next Version Name is Rinions anchor.png
  • Over the NAT (using UDP Hole Punching)
  • Speed Up (-30FPS)
  • Quarity Up (Use Position data instead of Rotation Matrix)
  • Data Save/Load
    • OpenNI, Original, BVH will be supported next next version [worried]
  • QoS of Server
  • 64bit application
  • no calibration
  • delete Local Mode
  • for Xtion (no camera)
  • Delay Load of OpenNI.dll/OpenNI64.dll
  • Control of LED and Tilt Motor
  • Keep Alive Packet
  • Correction of Kinect's Data
    • Moving Average
  • Dual Library (OpenNI, Kinect SDK)

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