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SLKinect1 anchor.png

  • Latest Version is v1.0.4 (25 Dec. 2011)
  • SLKinect send animation data from Kinect to SecondLife/OpenSim Viewer in real time using shared memory.
  • This is the first version, so functions are very simple.
    • Animation is in Local Viewer only now. (Not synchronize on the network.)
    • No Save/Load data. Please see Future Works.
    • There is a few bugs yet.
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Version 2: SLKinect2 anchor.png

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Version 3: Rinions anchor.png

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Download of SLKinect anchor.png

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Release Binary File anchor.png
  • SLKinect-1.0.4.zip
  • Correct Resizing Bug of Log Window
  • Not need to install. Please double click the extracted SLKinect.exe
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Release Source Code anchor.png
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Development Source Code anchor.png
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Replace and Add Files for Source Code of Imprudence or another Viewers anchor.png

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Mechanism anchor.png

  • The Mechanism of this System is very simple.
SLKinect.png, SIZE:720x540(21.6KB)
    • Red blocks of Viewer are our modified points.
  • Data Structure of Shared Memory
SharedMemory.png, SIZE:1099x580(24.1KB)
    • Multi Avatar is not supported by SLKinect yet
    • If you send data according to this interface, you can animate avatar in real time even if it does not use Kinect.
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Support of Network and Remote Viewers anchor.png

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Sample Pictures and Videos anchor.png

  • SLKinect

SLKinect.jpg, SIZE:800x675(131.6KB)

www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp_th_1320051998.jpg, SIZE:140x70(3.2KB)

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Known Bug anchor.png

  • Ummmm, sometimes Camera Image is broken (not synchronized)....?? But, Depth Image is OK :-(
    • Is my Kinect broken? Does anyone know the solution of this bug?
  • If your Camera Image is broken too, please uncheck "Use Camera Image" CheckBox in "View Mode" Dialog.

Broken.jpg, SIZE:339x306(85.5KB)

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Future Works anchor.png

  • Correct above bug.
  • Save/Load animation Data.
  • Support of Multi Avatars.
  • Use position Data of Joints.
  • The synchronization with another Viewers on the network (with External Animation Server?) (Is this delusion?)
    • We have a idea about this, now. :-)
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Acknowledgments. anchor.png

  • Thanks for Kinect Hack Teams
  • Thanks for Imprudence Viewer development Team.

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