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8: 2011-12-27 (火) 19:14:56 iseki ソース 現: 2015-04-06 (月) 11:51:05 iseki ソース
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-** SLKinect v2 Beta[#wee91adc+[[日本語はここ>SLKinect2 (J)]] 
-[[日本語はここ>SLKinect2 (J)]]~ +#br 
-[[SLKinect v1 is here>SLKinect1]]+** Kinect 2 SecondLife Viewer Project [#r5137915
 +**** Latest version of this software is ''[[Rinions]]''. Please see ''[[Rinions]]''. [#x9144001] 
 +- Version 1 -> [[SLKinect>SLKinect1]] 
 +- Version 2 -> [[SLKinect2]] 
 +- Version 3 -> [[Rinions]] 
 +- Rinions is the newest version. Please see [[Rinions]] 
 +** SLKinect2 (Version 2) [#b50253b9] 
 +- We will not support [[version 1.x of SLKiect>SLKinect1]] exclude a serious Bug. Please use this SLKinect2.~ 
 +- SLKinect2 will be renamed to ''[[Rinions]]'' ~ 
*** SLKinect2 [#n575b089] *** SLKinect2 [#n575b089]
-- ''Latest Version is 2.0.0 beta''+- ''Latest Version is 2.0.2 (Release Version)''. 
 +-- ''Bug Fix'': 
 +--- When Yellow Play Button is clicked, SLKinect2 v2.0.0 crashes with ''OpenNI-'' and ''NITE-''. (2.0.1)  Please see http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3forum/index.php?topic_id=74 
 +--- When you are general user, all setting dialogs crash. (2.0.2) 
- This is the second version of [[SLKinect>SLKinect1]]. - This is the second version of [[SLKinect>SLKinect1]].
- SLKinect2 sends animation data from Kinect to Second Life/OpenSim Viewer in real time using shared memory and over the ''Network''. - SLKinect2 sends animation data from Kinect to Second Life/OpenSim Viewer in real time using shared memory and over the ''Network''.
-- SLKinect2 supports 21 nodes on network. (If you need more nodes, you have to recompile SLKinect2)+- SLKinect2 supports 21 nodes on network. (If you need more nodes, you have to recompile SLKinect2 and Viewer) 
 +- SLKinect2 supports ''Imprudence'' Viewer and ''Firestorm'' Viewer now. 
 +-- There is very little change of source code. Therefore, if recompile is possible, it will work at other Viewers.
- We are searching nothing about network delay yet. - We are searching nothing about network delay yet.
-- Not support Save/Load of data yet.+- Not support Save/Load of data yet. Those functions will be supported by v2.1.0. 
#br #br
-*** Animation Relay Server [#yec959bb] +*** [[Animation Relay Server>anm_server]] ([[anm_server]])[#yec959bb] 
-- ''Latest Version is 0.9 beta'' +- ''Latest Version is 1.1.0 (Release Version)'' 
-- Animation Relay Server relays UDP packet from one SLKinect to all SLKinects of same group.+ 
 +- Animation Relay Server ([[anm_server]]) relays UDP packet from one SLKinect to all SLKinects of same group.
- We do not well know about server performance yet. - We do not well know about server performance yet.
-- We are running Animation Relay Server on ''silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp:8200'' for Test. +- %%We are running Animation Relay Server on ''silver-star.nsl.tuis.ac.jp:8200'' for Test.%% 
--- This is for Test. We support nothing.+-- %%This is for Test. We support nothing. %% 
 +*** Download of Release Version [#ccb505e8] 
 +**** SLKinect2 v2.0.2 [#of0ec9b4] 
 +- support of OpenNI-, NITE- and SensorKinect091- (but all are 32bit) 
 +- Binary:  http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=7&lid=32 
 +- Source: http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/​d3downloads/index.php?page=singlefile&ci​d=7&lid=31 
 +**** Animation Relay Server (anm_server v1.0.0) [#lb702f32] 
 +- http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftW​are/SL/SLKinect2/anm_server-1.0.0.tar.gz​
#br #br
-*** Development Source and Binary Code (Beta) [#n2859a84]+*** Development Source Code [#n2859a84]
- Those repository of subversion are for development. ''No Question Please.'' - Those repository of subversion are for development. ''No Question Please.''
-- If you have any questions about those code, please wait release version. 
-**** SLKinect2 (Beta) [#afdf3bb7]+**** SLKinect2 (nightly update) [#afdf3bb7]
- [[JunkBox_Lib++:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.j​p/svn/vc++/JunkBox_Lib++/trunk]] - [[JunkBox_Lib++:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.j​p/svn/vc++/JunkBox_Lib++/trunk]]
- [[JunkBox_Win_Lib:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac​.jp/svn/vc++/JunkBox_Win_Lib/trunk]] - [[JunkBox_Win_Lib:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac​.jp/svn/vc++/JunkBox_Win_Lib/trunk]]
-- [[SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/sv​n/vc++/SLKinect/branches/2.0]] +- [[SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/sv​n/vc++/SLKinect/trunk]]
-- [[Binary of SLKinect2:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/​vc++/SLKinect/branches/2.0/SLKinect-2.0]​] include Patched Viewer+
#br #br
-**** Animation Relay Server (Beta) [#m2916734]+**** Animation Relay Server [#m2916734]
- [[JunkBox_Lib:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/​svn/linux/JunkBox_Lib/trunk]] - [[JunkBox_Lib:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/​svn/linux/JunkBox_Lib/trunk]]
- [[anm_server:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/s​vn/linux/anm_server/trunk]] - [[anm_server:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/s​vn/linux/anm_server/trunk]]
#br #br
-*** Getting Started [#d8bc49bd]+*** [[Getting Started>./Getting Started]] [#d8bc49bd]
- [[Getting Started of SLKinect2>./Getting Started]] - [[Getting Started of SLKinect2>./Getting Started]]
-- Getting Started of anm_server+- [[Getting Started of anm_server>anm_server/Getting Started]] 
 +- [[Configuration of anm_server>anm_server/Configuration]]
#br #br
-*** Manual [#qc23c653]+*** [[Manual>./Manual]] [#qc23c653]
- [[Manual of SLKinect2>./Manual]] - [[Manual of SLKinect2>./Manual]]
-- Manual of anm_server 
//- [[Manual of anm_server>anm_server/Manual]] //- [[Manual of anm_server>anm_server/Manual]]
#br #br
-*** Trouble Shooting [#qd2a5da0] +*** [[Trouble Shooting>./Trouble Shooting]] [#qd2a5da0] 
-- [[Trouble Shooting of SLKinect2>./Trouble Shooting]] Under Construction +- [[Trouble Shooting of SLKinect2>./Trouble Shooting]]
-- Trouble Shooting of anm_server+
//- [[Trouble Shooting of anm_server>anm_server/Trouble Shooting]] //- [[Trouble Shooting of anm_server>anm_server/Trouble Shooting]]
#br #br
-*** Sample Pictures and Videos [#t5185677] +*** Sample Videos [#t5185677] 
-- Flash: http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/x_movie/x_movie_view.php?c​id=2&lid=35 +- Over the Network: http://youtu.be/KhqbGAWqvLI 
-- Yutube: http://youtu.be/KhqbGAWqvLI+- Local (SLKinect v1): http://youtu.be/tl2gLw-GJws
#br #br
-*** Mechanism [#r830999e] +*** [[Mechanism>./Mechanism]] [#r830999e] 
-- Mechanism of SLKinect2 +- [[Mechanism of SLKinect2>./Mechanism]] 
-- Mechanism of anm_server+- [[Mechanism of anm_server>/anm_server/Mechanism]] 
 +*** Acknowledgments. [#v05983c0] 
 +- Thanks for Kinect Hackers. 
 +- Thanks for Imprudence Viewer development Team. 
 +- Thanks for Firestorm Viewer development Team. 
 +- Thanks for students of NSL. 
 +- And Thaks for your bug reports. :-) 
 +*** Next Step (v2.1) -> [[Rinions]] [#s0e3d5ec] 
 +**** Next Version Name is [[Rinions]] [#e733cc48] 
 +- %%Over the NAT (using UDP Hole Punching)%% 
 +- %%Speed Up (-30FPS)%% 
 +- %%Quarity Up (Use Position data instead of Rotation Matrix)%% 
 +- %%Data Save/Load%% 
 +-- %%OpenNI,%% %%Original%%, BVH will be supported next next version  &worried; 
 +- %%QoS of Server%% 
 +- %%64bit application%% 
 +- %%no calibration%% 
 +- %%delete Local Mode%% 
 +- %%for Xtion (no camera)%% 
 +- %%Delay Load of OpenNI.dll/OpenNI64.dll%% 
 +- %%Control of LED and Tilt Motor%% 
 +- %%Keep Alive Packet%% 
 +- %%Correction of Kinect's Data%% 
 +-- %%Moving Average%% 
 +- %%Dual Library (OpenNI, Kinect SDK)%%
#br #br

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