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15: 2010-08-23 (月) 16:18:51 iseki ソース 現: 2010-10-05 (火) 21:58:02 iseki ソース
Line 37: Line 37:
- ''Disclaimer Activation:'' Select to display of disclaimer is active, or not - ''Disclaimer Activation:'' Select to display of disclaimer is active, or not
- ''Content of Disclaimer:'' Specify content of Disclaimer of OpenSim - ''Content of Disclaimer:'' Specify content of Disclaimer of OpenSim
-*** Lastnames Management [#c8d2fff5] 
-- If ''Last Name Activation'' at setting page is checked, last name that can be used is registered, use stopped temporarily, and is deleted on this page. 
#br #br
Line 48: Line 44:
-- If there is data of avatar on the OpenSim side, the data of avatar on the Xoops Cube side is copied from OpenSim side. -- If there is data of avatar on the OpenSim side, the data of avatar on the Xoops Cube side is copied from OpenSim side.
-- If there is no data of avatar that corresponds to avatar on the OpenSim side, the data of avatar on the XoopenSim side is deleted. -- If there is no data of avatar that corresponds to avatar on the OpenSim side, the data of avatar on the XoopenSim side is deleted.
-*** Update DB from 0.6.x to 0.7 [#pcfd0635] 
-**** Update Sequence from 0.6.x to 0.7 [#vd748137] 
-+ Information in the DB of 0.6.7/0.6.8/0.6.9 as much as possible is copied into the DB of 0.7. 
-+ It doesn't copy it when there is already corresponding data in the DB of 0.7. 
-**** Procedure of Update [#u4b634a1] 
-- DB update must be executed after ROBUST server execution and before Region Server execution. 
-+ start Robust Server (0.7) 
-+ stop Robust Server (For safety) 
-+ execute DB update by XoopenSim 
-+ start Robust Server (0.7) 
-+ start Region Server (0.7) 
#br #br
Line 77: Line 59:
&ref(/XoopenSim (E)/MenuE.jpg); &ref(/XoopenSim (E)/MenuE.jpg);
#br #br
 +*** [[Common Simple Settings>/OpenSim/WEB Interface (E)/Common Simple Settings]] (click title) [#wa012fe0]
#br #br
-*** World Map [#r228cf3b] 
-- OpenSim.ini~ 
-enable Map modules 
- WorldMapModule = "WorldMap" 
- MapImageModule = "MapImageModule" 
-- OpenSim 0.7 has bug of World Map function. Therefore, XoopenSim can not display the SIM icon on World Map normally. Please patch to the source code with [[patch code:http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/​SoftWare/OpenSim/opensim_nsl_r13094_worl​dmap.patch]].  We fairly reported on this to Mantis ahead. However, it is not corrected. (21 June '10) 
-*** Support StandAlone mode of v0.7 [#cb4311f9] 
-- You should change ''[GridService]'' section at ''bin/config-include/StandaloneCommon.in​i'' 
-- Please enable ''StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData"'' line. 
- [GridService] 
- ;; For in-memory region storage (default) 
- ; StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll:NullRegionData" 
- ;;--- For MySql region storage (alternative) 
- StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData" 
-*** Chage of Region(Estate) Owner [#x86a9447] 
-- When the region name is clicked on the region list screen, the admin user can change the owner in the region (estate). 
-- In the operation of DB, both the region and the estate owners have been changed. . 
-- When you specify ''SQLite'' for ''Storage_plugin'' at [StartUp] Section, this function cannot be used. 
-- It is necessary to reboot the Region server to change effectively. 
-*** Change of Voice Chat Mode [#d92cd364] 
-- When the region name is clicked on the region list screen, the admin user can set the mode of the voice chat in the region. 
-- Two or more Percel exists in one region, and the voice chat is set accurately by the unit of Percel. 
-- The mode displayed on the region information screen is a logical product of two or more Percel's modes (It is ,in a word, the nether mode in two or more Percel). 
-- When the mode of the voice chat is set on the region information screen, all Percel included in the region becomes the same chat mode. 
-- It is necessary to reboot the Region server to change effectively. 
-- When you specify SQLite for Storage_plugin at [StartUp] Section, this function cannot be used. 
-- ''[[FreeSwitch>OpenSim/FreeSwitch (E)]]'' is necessary for doing Voice chat on OpenSim. 
-&ref(/XoopenSim (E)/XoopenSim_RegionInfo_e.jpg); 
-*** Helper Function [#m8967760] 
-- ''-helperuri XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopemsim/helper/'' is specified for an argument when Viwer is started, helper function of currency and landtool can work. (Here, XOOPS_URL is your Xoops Cube Top URL) 
--- However, the access permission of the module is necessary for the guest user. 
-- Helper Function of currency: 
--- Sales of the object and land with L$0 become possible. 
-- Helper Function of landtool: 
--- The land subdividing and integration become possible. 
--- The sales setting of land becomes possible. 
-*** Offline Message Function [#kc02653a] 
-- OpenSim.ini 
- [Messaging] 
-   InstantMessageModule = InstantMessageModule 
-   MessageTransferModule = MessageTransferModule 
-   OfflineMessageModule = OfflineMessageModule 
-   OfflineMessageURL = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/offli​ne.php 
-   MuteListModule = MuteListModule 
-   MuteListURL = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/mute.​php 
-- Mute List Function is not implemented yet. 
-- offline message is function of  [[opensimwi redux>http://forge.opensimulator.org/gf/​project/opensimwi/]] 
-- There is no security function. 
-*** Flotsam Group Function [#qd03f5b8] 
-- It is possible to use Group Function at OpenSim 
-**** Settings (0.7) [#g6a3b676] 
-- If the guest user doesn't have the access permission to the module, helper/xmlgroups.php  cannot be started and avatar fails in log in. . 
-- At setting page, you should set Group Database Read Key/Group Database Write Key 
-- And you should set OpenSim.ini with same read/write key. 
- Example) 
- [Groups] 
-   Enabled = true 
-   Module  = GroupsModule 
-   NoticesEnabled  = true 
-   MessagingModule = GroupsMessagingModule 
-   MessagingEnabled = true 
-   ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector 
-   GroupsServerURI      = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/xmlgr​oups.php 
-   XmlRpcServiceReadKey  = "Read Key" 
-   XmlRpcServiceWriteKey = "Write Key" 
-- config-include/[[GridCommon.ini>/OpenSim​/Config/GridCommon.ini]] ''[Groups] Section'' 
- Example) 
- [Groups] 
-   GroupsServerURI = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/xmlgr​oups.php 
-**** Settings (0.6.x)[#xb7e184a] 
-- If the guest user doesn't have the access permission to the module, ''helper/xmlgroups.php'' cannot be started and avatar fails in log in. . 
-- At setting page, you should set ''Group Database Read Key/Group Database Write Key'' 
-- And you should set OpenSim.ini with same read/write key. 
- Example) 
- [Groups] 
-   Enabled = true 
-   Module  = GroupsModule 
-   DebugEnabled    = false 
-   ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector 
-   XmlRpcServiceURL        = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/xmlgr​oups.php 
-   XmlRpcServiceReadKey    = "Read Key" 
-   XmlRpcServiceWriteKey  = "Write Key" 
-*** osprofile Function for 0.7 [#a8776174] 
-- It is necessary to add the module to the region server of OpenSim to use the osprofile function. 
-- The program is defrosted also on the region server of OpenSim to add the module, and build.sh is executed. 
- # tar zfxv xoopensim-x.y.z.tgz 
- # cp -Rpd xoopensim/osprofile "Directory that OpenSim is installed" 
- # cd "Directory that OpenSim is installed" 
- # cd osprofile 
- # ./build.sh 
-- ''Profile'' section is added to OpenSim.ini, and ProfileURL is set as follows. 
- [Profile] 
-   ProfileURL = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/profi​le.php 

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