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Re: The Good and Bad News


なし Re: The Good and Bad News

msg# 1.3.1
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 | 投稿日時 2010-11-24 21:30
iseki  Home away from home   投稿数: 1581
Sorry master.
I do not completely understand your sentences because I am not good at English.
What is "Interface 7" ?
Please teach me a situation and the error message concisely, if the bug and trouble are found.

Thank you for your reports.


Some of what i am seeing now seems mostly centered around search functions.
When i use it, opensim logs report error (500) and im not shure whats happend there yet.
Profiles seems to depend on search as well and hints at whats wrong.
I reverted search,profiles and offline.php to what we were using in xoopensim 1.41 and for now is ok.
This dosent allow for some of the new featuers of corse.
One intresting thing is that the xoopensim user profiles are beeing read now. All that is not showing up is the profile immage. The decoding and converion test pass though. (as im using the older version of profiles thats no doubt the resion).

If i use our orginal search its ok at OS .71Dev Interface 7. But alot has changed in interface 7 that may be part of it.
Its hard to know where to look because search is used by almost everything and is so woven in with other things that also change that makes it harder.

We willl keep working on it though, just a matter of time to sort thru it :)
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