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User Server コマンド一覧 anchor.png

clone avatar <TemplateAvatarFirstName> <TemplateAvatarLastName> <TargetAvatarFirstName> <TargetAvatarLastName> - Clone the template avatar's inventory into a target avatar

create user [<first> [<last> [<x> <y> [email]:]]] - Create a new user account

help [<command>]: - Get general command list or more detailed help on a specific command

login level <level> - Set the minimum user level to log in

login reset - Reset the login level to allow all users

login text <text> - Set the text users will see on login

logoff-user <first> <last> <message> - Log off a named user

quit - Quit the application

reset user password [<first> [<last> [<new password>]:]] - Reset a user's password

set log level <level> - Set the console logging level

show info - Show general information

show stats - Show statistics

show threads - Show thread status

show uptime - Show server uptime

show version - Show server version

shutdown - Quit the application

test-inventory - Perform a test inventory transaction

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