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  • command-script <script> - Run a command script from file
  • config get [<section>] [<key>] - Synonym for config show
  • config save <path> - Save current configuration to a file at the given path
  • config set <section> <key> <value> - Set a config option. In most cases this is not useful since changed parameters are not dynamically reloaded. Neither do changed parameters persist - you will have to change a config file manually and restart.
  • config show [<section>] [<key>] - Show config information
  • create user [<first> [<last> [<pass> [<email> [<user id>]]]]] - Create a new user
  • debug comms set serialosdreq true|false - Set comms parameters. For debug purposes.
  • debug comms status - Show current debug comms parameters.
  • debug http <in|out|all> [<level>] - Turn on http request logging.
  • debug stats record start|stop - Control whether stats are being regularly recorded to a separate file.
  • debug threadpool set worker|iocp min|max <n> - Set threadpool parameters. For debug purposes.
  • debug threadpool status - Show current debug threadpool parameters.
  • delete asset <ID> - Delete asset from database
  • deregister region id <region-id>+ - Deregister a region manually.
  • dump asset <ID> - Dump asset to a file
  • force gc - Manually invoke runtime garbage collection. For debugging purposes
  • get log level - Get the current console logging level
  • help [<item>] - Display help on a particular command or on a list of commands in a category
  • link-mapping [<x> <y>] - Set local coordinate to map HG regions to
  • link-region <Xloc> <Yloc> <ServerURI> [<RemoteRegionName>] - Link a HyperGrid Region. Examples for <ServerURI>: http://grid.net:8002/ or http://example.org/path/foo.php
  • login level <level> - Set the minimum user level to log in
  • login reset - Reset the login level to allow all users
  • login text <text> - Set the text users will see on login
  • plugin add "plugin index" - Install plugin from repository.
  • plugin disable "plugin index" - Disable a plugin
  • plugin enable "plugin index" - Enable the selected plugin plugin
  • plugin info "plugin index" - Show detailed information for plugin
  • plugin list available - List available plugins
  • plugin list installed - List install plugins
  • plugin remove "plugin index" - Remove plugin from repository
  • plugin update "plugin index" - Update the plugin
  • plugin updates - List availble updates
  • quit - Quit the application
  • repo add "url" - Add repository
  • repo disable"[url | index]" - Disable registered repository
  • repo enable "[url | index]" - Enable registered repository
  • repo list - List registered repositories
  • repo refresh "url" - Sync with a registered repository
  • repo remove "[url | index]" - Remove repository from registry
  • reset user password [<first> [<last> [<password>]]] - Reset a user password
  • set log level <level> - Set the console logging level for this session.
  • set region flags <Region name> <flags> - Set database flags for region
  • set user level [<first> [<last> [<level>]]] - Set user level. If >= 200 and 'allow_grid_gods = true' in OpenSim.ini, this account will be treated as - god-moded. It will also affect the 'login level' command.
  • show account <first> <last> - Show account details for the given user
  • show asset <ID> - Show asset information
  • show checks - Show checks configured for this server
  • show grid users online - Show number of grid users registered as online.
  • show http-handlers - Show all registered http handlers
  • show hyperlinks - List the HG regions
  • show info - Show general information about the server
  • show region at <x-coord> <y-coord> - Show details on a region at the given co-ordinate.
  • show region name <Region name> - Show details on a region
  • show regions - Show details on all regions
  • show stats [list|all|(<category>[.<container>])+ - Show statistical information for this server
  • show threads - Show thread status
  • show uptime - Show server uptime
  • show version - Show server version
  • shutdown - Quit the application
  • threads abort <thread-id> - Abort a managed thread. Use "show threads" to find possible threads.
  • threads show - Show thread status. Synonym for "show threads"
  • unlink-region <local name> - Unlink a hypergrid region

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