- Probably, included recompiled Viewers will not suit the Third Party Viewer Policy of Linden Lab. Please use those at Your Own Risk in Second Life!!
- Install Original Viewer
- Download Recompiled Viewer with Rinions patch from this page.
- Copy Recompiled Viewer with Rinions patch to Original Viewer Folder
Imprudence Viewer 
see http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/Main_Page
- Imprudence-1.3.2-Rinions
- If side-by-side error occurred, please install VC8 runtime.
- VC8 runtime vcredist_x86.exe
Singularity Viewer 
see http://www.singularityviewer.org/
- SingularityViewer-1.6.0-Rinions
- SingularityViewer-1.7.0-Rinions
- SingularityViewer-1.7.1-Rinions
SingularityViewer-1.7.2-Rinions(No Sound)- SingularityViewer-1.7.2-Rinions_r2
- SingularityViewer-1.7.3-Rinions
- SingularityViewer-1.8.0-Rinions
- SingularityViewer-1.8.5-Rinions (x86)
- SingularityViewer-1.8.6-nsl (x86)
Counter: 3130,
today: 1,
yesterday: 0
最終更新: 2015-01-10 (土) 17:38:39 (JST) (3680d) by iseki