flagflag  If you want to see English page, please click "English" Button at Left.
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Program for image processing anchor.png

  • It is necessary to specify either of the following programs by preferences for the processing of JPEG2000 to display the image in the avatar profile of XoopenSim/Modlos.
  • Perhaps, this function doesn't operate in MS Windows. Please teach us, if there is a person who knows the processor of JPEG2000 (conversion commands) in MS Windows.
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Imagick of PHP anchor.png
  • Imagick is PHP module for ImageMagick
  • When imagick module is not in the package of the distribution, it is installed by using Pecl.
  • If you are lucky, it might work at MS Windows.
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ImageMagick anchor.png
  • It seems that package of ImageMagick exists in most Linux distributions. However, the processing function of JPEG2000 is not necessarily included in ImageMagick.
  • At CentOS, ImageMagick has not the processing function for JPEG2000.
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JasPer anchor.png
  • JasPer is tool and library for JPEG2000
  • The processing function for JPEG2000 of ImageMagick uses library of JasPer, too.
  • If ImageMagick has not the processing function for JPEG2000, you should install JasPer
  • But, current JasPer has bug about alpha channel of JPEG2000. JasPer can not process JPEG2000 that has alpha channel.
  • If you want to process image with alpha channel, you should install JasPer and j2k_to_image command of OpenJpeg.
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Helper URI anchor.png

  • When SL Viwer is used, following URI is specified for -helperuri for starting option.
    • ex.) for XoopenSim: -helperuri XOOPS_URL/modules/​xoopensim/helper/
    • ex.) for Modlos: -helperuri MOODLE_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/
    • However, if the guest user doesn't have the access permission of the module, it becomes inaccessible XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/ for XoopenSim.
  • When Hippo Viewer or other 3rd party viewer is used, following URI are set as Helper URI on setting screen of Grid.
    • ex.) for XoopenSim: XOOPS_URL/modules/​xoopensim/helper/
    • ex.) for Modlos: MOODLE_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/
  • In the viewer with the Get Grid Info function like the Hippo Viewer, if Helper URI is specified for economy of the [GridInfoService] section of Robust.ini, Viewer is able to set this information automatically.
    • ex.) Robust.ini for XoopenSim
         ; helper uri: optional: if it exists if will be used to tell the client to use
         ;                       this for all economy related things
         ; currently unused
         economy = http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/xoopensim/helper/
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added functions by "Helper URL" anchor.png
  • Helper Function of currency:
    • Sales of the object and land with L$0 become possible.
    • Banker Avatar is available with DTL/NSL Currency Server
  • Helper Function of landtool:
    • The land subdividing and integration become possible.
    • The sales setting of land becomes possible.
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Login Screen anchor.png

  • The Login Screen function is supported since v1.5.0 of XoopenSim/Modlos.
  • When SL Viwer is used, following URI is specified for -loginpage for starting option.
    • ex.) for XoopenSim: -helperuri XOOPS_URL/modules/​xoopensim/helper/loginpage.php
    • ex.) for Modlos: -helperuri MOODLE_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/loginpag​e.php
    • However, if the guest user doesn't have the access permission of the module, it becomes inaccessible XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/login​page.php for XoopenSim.
  • When Hippo Viewer or other 3rd party viewer is used, following URI are set as Lgoin Page on setting screen of Grid.
    • ex.) for XoopenSim: XOOPS_URL/modules/​xoopensim/helper/loginpage.php
    • ex.) for Modlos: MOODLE_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/loginpag​e.php
  • In the viewer with the Get Grid Info function like the Hippo Viewer, if Login Page is specified for welcome of the [GridInfoService] section of Robust.ini, Viewer is able to set this information automatically.
    • ex.) Robust.ini for Modlos
         ; login page: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
         ;                       this as splash page
         ; currently unused
         welcome = http://el.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/moodle/blocks/modlos/helper/loginpage.php
  • You can edit Alert Infomation Box at management screen
  • Login Screen image files are login1.jpg - login4.jpg in CMS_MODULE_PATH/opensimwiredux/images/lo​gin_screens directory. So, you can change thoes image files.
  • Logo image file is CMS_MODULE_PATH/opensimwiredux/images/lo​gin_screens/logo.png
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World Map anchor.png

  • Enable Map modules in OpenSim.ini
    WorldMapModule = "WorldMap"
    MapImageModule = "MapImageModule"
  • OpenSim 0.7.x has bug of World Map function. Therefore, XoopenSim/Modlos can not display the SIM icon on World Map normally. Please patch to the source code with patch code. This patch is included in our OpenSim Patches for 0.7, too.
  • If you apply this "OpenSim Patches for 0.7" to, rej file is created. But, do not worry because it is a normal result.
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Region Statistics anchor.png

  • When the following settings are specified in OpenSim.ini at the [WebStats] section, the stats of the region server can be displayed from the link of IP Addresses of the Regions List (Link is displayed for manager only).
  • However, if URL is manual input, even the guest user can see stats of region server, though the link of IP addresses is displayed for manager only.
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Flotsam Group Function anchor.png

  • It is possible to use Group Function at OpenSim
  • When XoopenSim or Modlos is installed, needed DB is installed automatically.
  • You should set OpenSim.ini with same read/write key that be set in preference.
  • For XoopenSim, if the guest user doesn't have the access permission to the module, helper/xmlgroups.php cannot be started and avatar fails in log in.
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Settings (0.7) anchor.png
  • ex.) for XoopenSim
       Enabled = true
       Module  = GroupsModule
       NoticesEnabled   = true
       MessagingModule = GroupsMessagingModule
       MessagingEnabled = true
       ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
       GroupsServerURI       = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/xmlgroups.php
       XmlRpcServiceReadKey  = "Read Key"
       XmlRpcServiceWriteKey = "Write Key"
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Settings (0.6.x) anchor.png
  • ex.) for XoopenSim
       Enabled = true
       Module  = GroupsModule
       DebugEnabled     = false
       ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
       XmlRpcServiceURL        = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/xmlgroups.php
       XmlRpcServiceReadKey    = "Read Key"
       XmlRpcServiceWriteKey   = "Write Key"
  • The Group function of this version is a unverification in Modlos.
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Offline Message and Mute List anchor.png

  • The Offline message and the Mute list function are set in the [Messaging] section of OpenSim.ini.
  • When XoopenSim or Modlos is installed, needed DB is installed automatically.
  • When the Mute list function is used, NSLModules.Messaging.MuteList.dll in nsl.modules/bin of XoopenSim/Modlos should be copied onto the bin directory of OpenSim.
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Setting of OpenSim.ini anchor.png
  • When you use NSL Mute list moudle, value of MuteListModule is NSLMuteListModule
    • for XoopenSim
         InstantMessageModule = InstantMessageModule
         MessageTransferModule = MessageTransferModule
         OfflineMessageModule = OfflineMessageModule
         OfflineMessageURL = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/offline.php
         MuteListModule = NSLMuteListModule
         MuteListURL = XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/mute.php
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Recompile of module anchor.png
  • When NSLModules.Messaging.MuteListEdit.dll is compiled again, copy nsl.modules onto the installation directory of OpenSim, and execute build.sh command.
    # cp -Rpd nsl.modules  OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR
    # cd OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR/nsl.modules
    # ./build.sh
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Osprofile Function anchor.png

  • It is necessary to add the module to the region server of OpenSim to use the osprofile function.
  • Binary of OpenSimProfile.Modules.dll module exists in osprofile/bin or nsl.modules/bin. This module should be copied onto the bin directory of OpenSim.
  • When XoopenSim or Modlos is installed, needed DB is installed automatically.
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Setting of OpenSim.ini anchor.png
  • [Profile] section is added to OpenSim.ini, and ProfileURL is set as below.
  • Example
       ; Change it to your own HTTP server to have the Profile server work
       ProfileURL = http://el.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/moodle/blocks/modlos/helper/profile.php
       ;ProfileURL = http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/xoopensim/helper/profile.php
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config-include/Grid.ini anchor.png
  • Change [Profile] section from BasicProfileModule to OpenProfileModule as below.
       Module = "OpenProfileModule"
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Recompile of module anchor.png
  • When OpenSimProfile.Modules.dll is compiled again, copy osprofile onto the installation directory of OpenSim, and execute build.sh command.
    # cp -Rpd osprofile OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR
    # cd OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR/osprofile
    # ./build.sh
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Attention anchor.png
  • All the profile functions are not able to be used.
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Ossearch Function anchor.png

  • It is necessary to add the module to the region server of OpenSim to use the ossearch function.
  • Binary of OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll module exists in ossearch/bin or nsl.modules/bin. This module should be copied onto the bin directory of OpenSim.
  • When XoopenSim or Modlos is installed, needed DB is installed automatically.
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Setting of OpenSim.ini anchor.png
  • [DataSnapshot],[Modules] and [Search] section in OpenSim.ini are set as follows (The [Search] section is added).
    • ex.) for XoopenSim
         index_sims = true
         gridname = "Your Grid Name"
         data_services = "XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/register.php"
         LandServices = "RemoteLandServicesConnector"
         SearchURL = "XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/helper/query.php"
  • After 0.7.1, LoandService of the [Modules] section need not be set. It is set at config-include/*.ini setting file.
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Setting of cron anchor.png
  • It is necessary to execute CMS_MODULE_PATH/include/cron.php by cron regularly to update retrieval information.
    • crontab command at Linux/Unix
       # crontab -u apache -e
    • Example of setting
      */30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/apache/htdocs/xoops/modules/xoopensim/include/cron.php 1> /dev/null 2>&1
  • You may call cron.php from an outside machine with wget. URL in this case is as follows.
    • ex.) for XoopenSim
      wget XOOPS_URL/modules/xoopensim/include/cron.php -O /dev/null 1> /dev/null 2>&1
  • In the case to use Modlos, when you have regularly execute admin/cron.php already, it is not necessary to set cron for CMS_MODULE_PATH/include/cron.php.
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RemoteLandServicesConnector anchor.png
  • At 0.7, 0.7.0.x, execution of OpenSim.exe will be error, when LandServices = "RemoteLandServicesConnector" is specified at the [Modules] section.
09:26:23 - [REGIONMODULE]: Adding scene TEST to shared module RemoteLandServicesConnector
09:26:23 - [APPLICATION]: 
APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs

Exception: System.Exception: No IGridService available. This could happen if the config_include folder doesn't exist or if the OpenSim.ini [Architecture] section isn't set.  Please also check that you have the correct version of your inventory service dll.  Sometimes old versions of this dll will still exist.  Do a clean checkout and re-create the opensim.ini from the opensim.ini.example.
 at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene.get_GridService () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Land.RemoteLandServicesConnector.AddRegion (OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.RegionModulesController.RegionModulesControllerPlugin.AddRegionToModules (OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateRegion (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag, Boolean do_post_init, IScene& mscene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateRegion (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag, IScene& scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.LoadRegions.LoadRegionsPlugin.PostInitialise () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.StartupSpecific () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.OpenSim.StartupSpecific () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.Framework.Servers.BaseOpenSimServer.Startup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at OpenSim.Application.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  • In this case, please patch to the source code with patch code and recompile OpenSim. This patch is included in our OpenSim Patches for 0.7, too.
  • If you apply this patch to, rej file is created. But, do not worry because it is a normal result.
  • At 0.7.1Dev, becase RemoteLandServicesConnector is already set in config-inculde/Grid.ini, It need not be specified with OpenSim.ini.
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Recompile of module anchor.png
  • When OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll is compiled again, copy ossearch onto the installation directory of OpenSim, and execute build.sh command.
    # cp -Rpd ossearch OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR
    # cd OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR/ossearch
    # ./build.sh
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Attention anchor.png
  • All the search functions are not able to be used.
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Auto DB Synchronization with OpenSim DB anchor.png

  • It automatically synchronizes with DB of XoopenSim/Modlos and DB of OpenSim since v1.40.
  • Synchronization of Avatar
    • If there is data of avatar on the OpenSim side, the data of avatar on the Xoops Cube/Moodle side is copied from OpenSim side.
    • If there is no data of avatar that corresponds to avatar on the OpenSim side, the data of avatar on the Xoops Cube/Modlos side is deleted.
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Chage of Estate (Region) Owner anchor.png

  • When the region name is clicked on the region list screen, the admin user can change the owner in the region (estate).
  • In the operation of DB, both the region and the estate owners have been changed. .
  • It is necessary to reboot the Region server to change effectively.
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Change of Voice Chat Mode anchor.png

  • When the region name is clicked on the region list screen, the admin user can set the mode of the voice chat in the region.
  • Two or more Percel exists in one region, and the voice chat is set accurately by the unit of Percel.
  • The mode displayed on the region information screen is a logical product of two or more Percel's modes (It is ,in a word, the nether mode in two or more Percel).
  • When the mode of the voice chat is set on the region information screen, all Percel included in the region becomes the same chat mode.
  • It is necessary to reboot the Region server to change effectively.
  • FreeSwitch is necessary for doing Voice chat on OpenSim.
    RegionInfoE.jpg, SIZE:723x365(73.8KB)
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Support of StandAlone mode anchor.png

  • You can not use XoopenSim/Modlos with SQLite.
  • If you want to execute XoopenSim/Modlos with StandAlone mode, you should use MySQL DB.
  • In addition, you must setup [GridService] section in StandaloneCommon.ini and [PresenceService] section in Standalone.ini.
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for 0.7 anchor.png
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for 0.7.1.x and 0.7.2 Dev anchor.png
  • StandaloneCommon.ini
       ; ### Choose the DB
       ;    ; SQLite
       ;Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";    ; MySql
       ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use mysql storage
       ; Change the connection string to your db details
       StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
       ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"
       ; Uncomment this line if you are using MySQL and want to use a different database for estates
       ;EstateConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"
  • And you should change [GridService] section at bin/config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini.
  • Please enable StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData"​ line.
       ;; For in-memory region storage (default)
       ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll:NullRegionData"
       ;;--- For MySql region storage (alternative)
       StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData"
  • In addition, please chage [PresenceService]section at bin/config-include/Standalone.ini, too.
  • Please add StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData"​ line.
       LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
       ;;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll"
       StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData"
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Money Server anchor.png

  • Money Server and XoopenSim/Modlos are different functions. Therefore, Please refer to here for Money Server.
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Menu for Management anchor.png

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Convert DB from 0.6.x to 0.7 anchor.png

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Convert Sequence from 0.6.x to 0.7 anchor.png
  1. Information in the DB of 0.6.7/0.6.8/0.6.9 as much as possible is copied into the DB of 0.7.
  2. It doesn't copy it when there is already corresponding data in the DB of 0.7.
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Procedure of Convert anchor.png
  • DB update must be executed after ROBUST server execution and before Region Server execution.
  1. start Robust Server (0.7)
  2. stop Robust Server (For safety)
  3. execute DB conversion by XoopenSim/Modlos
  4. start Robust Server (0.7)
  5. start Region Server (0.7)
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Clear Texture Cache anchor.png

  • The cash of the texture loaded from OpenSim with XoopenSim/Modlos is cleared. When the program for the image processing is changed, and the display of the texture becomes amusing, you should execute this.
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Clear Login Table anchor.png

  • When the region server or the viewer terminate abnormally, it is likely to remain the state in DB that avatar logged in (In this case, Avatars List displays that avatar logins now, though it doesn't login).
  • The table of the DB that stores log in information on avatar can be cleared in this case by executing this command.
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Login Screen Management anchor.png

  • You can edit Alert Information Box in Login Screen.
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Lastnames Management anchor.png

  • If Last Name Activation at setting page is checked in preference, last name that can be used is registered, use stopped temporarily, and is deleted on this page.
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Summary of setting files for XoopenSim/Modlos anchor.png

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Robust.ini anchor.png

  • for Modlos
       login = http://......:8002/
       gridname = "Your Grid Name"
       economy  = MODLOS_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/
       welcome  = MODLOS_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/loginpage.php
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OpenSim.ini anchor.png

  • for Modlos
       WorldMapModule = "WorldMap"
       MapImageModule = "MapImageModule"
       Enabled = true
       Module  = GroupsModule
       NoticesEnabled   = true
       MessagingModule  = GroupsMessagingModule
       MessagingEnabled = true
       ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
       GroupsServerURI       = MODLOS_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/xmlgroups.php
       XmlRpcServiceReadKey  = "Read Key"
       XmlRpcServiceWriteKey = "Write Key"
       InstantMessageModule = InstantMessageModule
       MessageTransferModule = MessageTransferModule
       OfflineMessageModule = OfflineMessageModule
       OfflineMessageURL = MODLOS_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/offline.php
       MuteListModule = NSLMuteListModule
       MuteListURL = MODLOS_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/mute.php
       index_sims = true
       gridname = "Your Grid Name"
       data_services = "MODLOS_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/register.php"
       LandServices = "RemoteLandServicesConnector"
       ProfileURL = "MODLOS_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/profile.php"
       SearchURL  = "MODLOS_URL/blocks/modlos/helper/query.php"

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