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Re: What Version's are needed


なし Re: What Version's are needed

msg# 1.15.1
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2010-7-4 4:17
master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
Yes i agree, making them the same did nothing.
The db i am using is not .69 to .7 via xoopensim. The data base is already migrated for use with .7 rc2 before i run xoopensim on it. I have not tryed to take a .69 backup then run this to do the migration. The migration is done with the launch of robust that converts the production grid's data to .7 data. (this part it already did before trying to use xoopensim with it.) When robust has finished i can then lauch opensim.exe and log on using my normal production server account. This is not a problem. After running xoopensim using the same db it then causes my normal production account to be useless. With your fix i can make and log in with a totaly NEW account however.
You mentioned the SALT data form the old users table that was used. In this case the orginal USERS table is still there, i think on migration to .7 robust uses it to make the newer usersaccounts table from. I will have a closer look at that too.
Before your last fix, making a new user account did not work ether but now it is so its getting better :)

The other point about the map, was using your patch, you are correct that it remains broken but your patch works ok.

I am still looking at other data as changing the 2 lines i thought were a problem did nothing useful and was not the answer.

I think we are very close to fixing this now :)
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