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Re: Re: What Version's are needed


なし Re: Re: What Version's are needed

msg# 1.21.2
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2010-7-13 13:17
master  Just can't stay away   投稿数: 138
we are still working on the how to use this all right. There are some small things that our admins are working out. This is very good code to work with. Quite easy to follow and an excellent blend to xoops cube + xopensim + a full a opensim grid. We are finding many good blends from our work and yours and a really good CMS system. Not one admin of ours had a bad thing to say about any of it.
We have already pushed it to use as our main interface and Yes it works fine for .69 or .7+ opensim revs. The db sync is just Hell yahh! (thats usa for saying we love it).
It knew what to do (is it .69 data or .7?) It works and know what it is.
I would suggest the the SVN also needs to include the win vrs linux changes (no symbolic links).
i pushed the 'No Sombolic Links' (nsl) version in to linux and it had no problems at all :)
We think your safe to make your SVN release use the same changes.
Most of all, you and your group have given wheels to the .7 car that has none when it come to front end/back end service.
For a full grid (op) with many users it just works, this makes new life and many users happy :)

Good call all :)
PS: send the coffee making instructions you use :)
投票数:107 平均点:4.67



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