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Editable Joints Text File anchor.png

  • This file format is original by us.
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File Format anchor.png

  • First Line of file must be NI_JOINTS_TEXT_FILE
  • If Head of Line is 0-9, this line describes Frame Time (Frame Time Line)
    • Unit of Frame Time is msec.
  • If Head of Line is space, this line describes Joint Data (Joint Data Line)
    • JointName posX posY posZ qutX qutY qutZ qutW
    • posX means that X coordinates of a Position . qutX means that X component of a Quaternion.
    • Each data is separated by one or more space.
    • Default unit of position is Meter (m).
    • If Quaternion data is omitted, Quaternion data is calculated from Position data.
  • Frame Time Line must be at before Joint Data Line
  • Other all lines are comment line. Comment line can be described anywhere except First Line.
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Joint Name anchor.png

  • PELVIS : Root Joint. This position data is Avatar's position.
  • NECK
  • HEAD
  • L_EYE : Left Eye. This is not used yet.
  • R_EYE : Right Eye. This is not used yet.
  • L_SHLDR : Left Shoulder.
  • L_HAND
  • R_SHLDR : Right Shoulder.
  • R_HAND
  • L_HIP
  • L_KNEE
  • L_FOOT
  • R_HIP
  • R_KNEE
  • R_FOOT
  • AVATAR: Avatar's Position from Kinect (since v3.2)
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Example anchor.png

 PELVIS   0.000000 -0.000000  0.000000  -0.01565226  0.00219829  0.06927119  0.99747264
 TORSO    0.000335  0.004759  0.150861  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  0.99999994
Comment line can be described anywhere except First Line. 
 NECK     0.000669  0.009518  0.301722   0.11550798  0.12516484 -0.00000010  0.98538905
 HEAD     0.056848 -0.023149  0.493174  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000
 L_SHLDR -0.016706  0.133917  0.297836  -0.47130787 -0.00000022  0.02403534  0.88164121
 L_ELBOW -0.040560  0.236257  0.130051  -0.02308556 -0.46668339 -0.31025359  0.82789892
 L_HAND   0.149646  0.303262  0.048734  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000
 R_SHLDR  0.018044 -0.114881  0.305608   0.50359184  0.00000023 -0.13282092  0.85367084
 R_ELBOW -0.012097 -0.209292  0.149819  -0.34613070 -0.46315300  0.33773822  0.74270844
 R_HAND   0.148282 -0.298744  0.150532  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000
 L_HIP   -0.010553  0.075559 -0.002360   0.03255712 -0.00266562 -0.00000001  0.99946648
 L_KNEE  -0.012305  0.085508 -0.297449  -0.02055432  0.24503395  0.01587104  0.96916664
 L_FOOT  -0.156543  0.062397 -0.566509  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000
 R_HIP    0.010553 -0.075559  0.002360  -0.08846518 -0.00463245 -0.00000000  0.99606848
 R_KNEE   0.019972 -0.136964 -0.291835  -0.02178484  0.15368119 -0.02772008  0.98749137
 R_FOOT  -0.049303 -0.208600 -0.528537  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000
 PELVIS  -0.009697  0.006961  0.001753  -0.01186158  0.01299955  0.07516354  0.99701589
 TORSO   -0.006054  0.010859  0.152766  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  0.99999994
 NECK    -0.002411  0.014757  0.303778   0.10456752  0.10934441 -0.00002122  0.98848832
 HEAD     0.051656 -0.015008  0.496076  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000
 L_SHLDR -0.021164  0.138310  0.301050  -0.47379845  0.00007757  0.01307562  0.88053614
 L_ELBOW -0.046098  0.241502  0.133126  -0.00555784 -0.47989392 -0.31649202  0.81823182
 L_HAND   0.147490  0.311526  0.059759  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000
 R_SHLDR  0.016343 -0.108795  0.306505   0.49477810 -0.00009349 -0.12052613  0.86062068
 R_ELBOW -0.012347 -0.207691  0.150334  -0.39433903 -0.41768265  0.33222067  0.74810910
 R_HAND   0.152137 -0.314030  0.159429  -0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000
 L_HIP   -0.021490  0.084578  0.000050   0.01743347 -0.01818719  0.00000352  0.99968249

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