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RINIONS is Real Time Input from NI/NUI and Output to the Network and Shared Memory System anchor.png

  • Glossary: NI: Natural Interaction, NUI: Natural User Interface
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Rinions anchor.png

  • Rinions transfers animation data from Kinect/Xtion to Second Life/OpenSim Viwer.
  • And Rinions realizes Real-Time Animation on Second Life or OpenSim.
  • Rinions supports animation data file (BVH), too.
  • Technical Data: ppt
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Latest Version is 3.4.0 (4 March 2013). anchor.png
  • Voice Control (for Kinect SDK 1.6/1.7)
  • Support OpenNI2 and NiTE2
  • Enhancement of a log function

Rinions_demo.png, SIZE:1143x620(701.3KB)    SLKINECT2_2_E.jpg, SIZE:1444x625(195.9KB)    Rinions_System.png, SIZE:989x607(86.8KB)

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Animation Relay Server anchor.png

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Functions of Rinions anchor.png

  • Dual Library Stack (OpenNI2+NiTE2 and Kinect SDK 1.6/1.7)
  • Voice Control (for Kinect SDK 1.6)
  • Support Log File of Joint Data.
  • Detection of position and Qauternion of joints. And write them to shared memory and send to network server.
  • Read data from any data file and network server.
  • Over the NAT (using UDP Hole Punching)
  • Detection Speed is Up (-30FPS)
  • Quality is Up (Use Position data instead of Rotation Matrix)
  • Data Save/Load
    • OpenNI Raw Data, Original Text File, BVH, MikuMikuDance Motion File (VMD). (Support of VMD is experimental, now).
  • QoS of Server and Clients
  • 64bit application
  • Not need calibration (OpenNI)
  • Delete Local Mode
  • Supports for Xtion (with no camera)
  • Control of LED and Tilt Motor (when Kinect SDK is used, LED is not controled)
  • Correction of Kinect's Data
    • Moving Average (implementation by SDK or us)
  • Include anm_server.exe that is compiled by Cygwin
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Dual Library Stack (OpenNI/NiTE and Kinect SDK) anchor.png

/DeviceDetection SpeedIncorrect DetectionTracking SpeedSoftware Reset of User DetectionInitializing Camera ImageTurn (Spin)Detection of UpperAudioFace Tracking
Kinect SDK 1.6KinectFastOftenLate for Camera ImageOKFastNOOKOKOK
OpenNI2 + NiTE2Xtion, KinectVery SlowSometimesFastOKSlowOKNONot Support YetUse OpenCV
  • Kinect at Device means Kinect for Xbox360 and Kinect for Windows
  • If you want to use Kinect for Xbox360 with OpenNI+NiTE, you need to use avin2 driver.
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Usage and Fuctions anchor.png

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Voice Control (for Kinect SDK) anchor.png

  • You need to install Runtime of Speech Platform. Please execute SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi at Redist folder of Rinions (Program Folder)
  • if you want to open sensor (camera) view and start detection, please say Window, Camera, Two, Start, Record Or say W, C, Two, Start and Record
  • About menu open commands. (Window must be foreground)
  • Please say menu string or alphabet in ( )
    • File or F : Open File Menu ............... As Menu is File (F)
    • Window or W : Open Window Menu
    • Setting or T : Open Setting Menu
    • Help or H : Open Help Menu
  • It available at sub menu
  • About sensor (camera) view commands.
    • Start : Start to detect skeleton
    • Record : Start to record skeleton
    • Stop : If Rinions is executing record, stop to record. If Renions is not executing record, stop to detection.
    • User : Search next user.
    • Motor up : Tilt motor is up
    • Motor down : Tilt motor is down
    • Motor center : Tilt motor is center
  • These speech grammar file is speech_grammar.grxml at same folder with Rinions.exe. You can edit it.
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Log Function anchor.png

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Face Tracking anchor.png

  • Please check Face Detection in Motion Setting Dialog.
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Kinect SDK anchor.png
  • Rinions 3.2 can detect face position and face direction using Kinect Developer Toolkit.
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OpenNI anchor.png
  • Rinions 3.2 can detect face position using OpenCV.
  • If you want to face detection,
    • Download and extract OpenCV
    • Copy data folder from OpenCV to Rinions program Folder. ex.) C:\Program Files (x86)\NSL\Rinions
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Restriction of Joint Rotation anchor.png

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Support of BVH anchor.png

  • From v3.1, Rinions supports BVH File.
  • Reading and writing BVH file are possible.
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Support of MikuMikuDance anchor.png

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Save and Load Data anchor.png

  1. If you click record button on sensor window, animation data is wrote as temporary data.
  2. Next, when you select Save File from File Menu, temporary animation data is saved.
  3. If you select Load File from File Menu and specify data file, animation data is loaded automatically.
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Supported Data File anchor.png
  • OpenNI Raw Data File
  • Joints Text File
  • BVH File
  • VMD File (Experimental. A complicated motion is difficult to display)
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Tutorial Videos anchor.png

  1. Installation of Rinions: http://youtu.be/jU1xxu19Gn4
  2. Setup and Easy Execution: http://youtu.be/3gatR6MbtAU
  3. Use Our Animation Relay Server: http://youtu.be/x942bCfTSso
  4. User Local Animation Relay Server on your PC: http://youtu.be/aNCvDxzlGjA
  5. Save and Load ONI and Joints Text File: http://youtu.be/MoUXM1XCP64
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Known Bugs anchor.png

  • Under execution of Rinions, do not connect or disconnect Kinect/Xtion. In that case, Rinions will be crashed. (Fixed at 3.0.1)
  • FilePlayer has Timer bug and Initial Parameter Bug. (Fixed at 3.0.1)
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ETC anchor.png

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License anchor.png

This software is free for non-commercial use. Distribution and the use library is also free for non-commercial use. Distribution must include all elements as provided, including the library. Copyright notices to all material must remain intact and as displayed in all components.

If you want to use this software for business (i.e. when you demand value from sales, use, or otherwise from this software), please send e-mail to iseki@solar-system.tuis.ac.jp.

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Disclaimer anchor.png

This software is not guaranteed at all. The author makes no representations regarding the fitness of this software and does not assume responsibility for any problems that may occur with the use, remodeling, or re-distribution of this software under any circumstances. Use is entirely at your own risk.

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Acknowledgments anchor.png

  • Thanks for Kinect Hackers.
  • Thanks for Japanese Kinect Hackers.
  • Thanks for Imprudence Viewer development Team.
  • Thanks for Firestorm Viewer development Team.
  • Thanks for Singularity Viewer development Team.
  • Thanks for Cygwin development Team. anm_server.exe is compiled using cygwin.
  • Thanks for other All developers of Open Source.
  • Thanks for students of NSL.
  • And Thaks for your bug reports. :-)

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